NEW: Added compatibility for new <a href="Multi-Page Forms for NEX-Forms">Multi-page Forms Add-on for NEX-Forms</a>.
IMPROVED: Added additional security measures on MySQL queries.
FIX: Form view analytical captures on page loading..
FIX: Form interaction analytical captures on page loading.
NEW: New Field Validation Setting - Set Maximum allowed words in textareas and text input fields.
NEW: New Field Validation Setting - Set Minimum required words in textareas and text input fields.
NEW: Global Setting - Enable/Disable Admin Zero Conflict.
IMPROVED: Timer output on quiz or timed forms.
FIX: Validation border on required dropdown selection fields.
FIX: Backend Grid setting styling issue.
FIX: Select Optgroup issues in backend.
FIX: Smart Data Selection issue in WP Editor when using a clear all button.
IMPROVED: Made some design tweaks to admin pages to improve usability.
FIX: NEX-Forms DB Table Collation for latest versions of MariaDB and MySQL when creating tales during plugin installation.