NEW: Full redevelopment of Dropdown Selects and Multi-selects
NEW: Searchable Dropdown Selects and Multi-selects - Enable/Disable a search for dropdown selects and multi-selects options.
NEW: Optgroups in the Select and Multi Select
NEW: Font Size Setting for Radio Button labels
NEW: Font Size Setting for Checkbox Labels
NEW: Checkbox Size Setting - Set the Checkboxes to Small, Normal or Large
NEW: Radio Button Size Setting - Set the Radio Button to Small, Normal or Large
NEW: Off/Unchecked Background Setting for Radios
NEW: Off/Unchecked Background Setting for Checkboxes
NEW: Padding and margin Settings for field wrappers
NEW: Background Color Setting for field wrappers
NEW: Border Color Setting for field wrappers
NEW: Border Width Setting for field wrappers
NEW: Border Radius Setting for field wrappers
NEW: Display different fields on different devices, for example show a specific field only on mobile devices or do not show a specific field on mobile devices.
NEW: Set Landscape or Portrait PDF orientations
NEW: Set PDF page size (A1 - A7)
FIXED: Selection of HTML Element when applying Conditional Logic to Success Messages (after form submission message)
FIXED: Some CSS 3rd party interference