Download Perfmatters 2.2.7 from nulled fire. This plugin adds an assortment of performance and speed improvements to your WordPress installation.
* Fixed a compatibility issue with local fonts and WordPress 6.3.2 that was causing an error when new font files were requested.
Added Delay JS quick exclusion for WP Forms.
Script Manager style updates to match some recent changes to the main settings UI.
Script Manager security updates to form submission handling.
Added logic to strip whitespace from input row text fields used for preloads, preconnects, and fetch priority options.
Adjusted CDN Regex slightly to account for certain subdirectory formats.
Added specification to lazyload exclusion to only skip the fetchpriority attribute when set to high.
Added Cornerstone request parameter to excluded page builders array.
Updated certain AJAX action names to be specific to Perfmatters to prevent conflicts.
Updated missing image dimension function to better handle images that have been prepped by lazy loaders outside of Perfmatters.
Added Novashare discount link to plugin settings UI for Perfmatters customers.
Fixed an issue where the database optimization process would not run correctly if selected toggles were not saved first.
Fixed an issue in MU Mode where core cookie constants were not set in a specific instance when checking for the current post ID.
Translation updates.
* Reworked the majority of the UI to use WordPress AJAX to save data and perform plugin actions.
* Renamed Bricks Delay JS quick exclusion, as it can be used to target more than just their slider.
* Adjusted clean_html utility function regex to better handle large inline data scripts.
* Added skip-lazy class to built-in lazy loading exclusions.
* Added right-to-left admin styles for better usability on RTL sites.
* Fixed an issue where certain HTML characters would not print correctly when saved in a fetch priority selector input field.
* Fixed an issue where fetch priority selectors would sometimes not get the correct priority applied when set to low.
* Fixed a typo in the fetch priority tooltip.
* Updated background processing library to version 1.1.1.
* Translation updates.