Permalink Manager Pro

Download Permalink Manager Pro from nulled fire. Advanced plugin that allows to set-up custom permalinks, slugs and permastructures
Code optimization for Bulk URI Editor
Support for WooCommerce breadcrumbs
A hotfix for WPForo plugin
New filter "permalink_manager_chunk_size" that allows to control the chunk size in bulk tools ("Regenerate/reset", "Find & Replace")
New filter "permalink_manager_sanitize_regex" that allows to adjust the function that sanitizes the custom permalinks
Autoload for backup arrays is now disabled
New option available - "Convert accented letters"
* CSS Hotfix. Now the redirects box is displayed correctly in the URI editor
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* CSS Hotfix. Now the redirects box is displayed correctly in the URI editor

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* Support for "Primary category" set with SEOPress & RankMath plugins
* Support for breadcrumbs added by SEOPress & RankMath plugins
* Improved "trailing slashes" functionality - untrailingslashit() & trailingslashit() replaced with REGEX based functions
* Possibility to remove custom permalinks, redirects, permastructure settings directly from "Debug" section
* New filter "permalink_manager_duplicates_priority" that allows to decide what content type ("posts" or "terms") should be loaded when the custom permalink is duplicated
* A minor fix for url_to_postid() function