PixelYourSite Pro

Download PixelYourSite Pro from nulled fire. PixelYourSite Pro Implement the Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, and the Google Ads Tag.
UI improvements
New options to remove the page_title and content_name parameters. They can be useful if Facebook flags them as sending prohibited information. This can happen when their filters detect names or titles that resemble medical information.
Fix for a potential problem related to Purchase events on the custom thank you pages implemented with the Super Pack.
Full support for ConsentMagic.com
Remove parameters from event_source_url. This is a mandatory parameter for Facebook Conversion API events. If the URL contains parameters that include personal data, it will trigger privacy working on Facebook. To avoid this problem we are now removing all URL parameters for this event. If you think you need them, you have a toogle to add them back on the plugin’s main page.
Remove URL parameters from event_url and landing page parameters. The same reason as above.
Dynamic Ads for Blogs events are now OFF by default.
You have extra information about the order data we add to the WooCommerce “New email”. It explains clients don’t get it, and lets you know how to turn it OFF if you want to.
New toggle to control if extra data is added to WooCommerce orders.
Fix for a problem with additional Facebook Pixels CAPI tokens.
Removing YouTube or Vimeo scripts if the trigger to fire the Signal event for video views is turned OFF.
Fixes for various small bugs, PHP warnings, or potential errors.