Point of Sale for WooCommerce 6.4.0

Download Point of Sale for WooCommerce 6.4.0 from nulled fire. Point of Sale for WooCommerce is a web-based point of sale (POS) application.
* Fix - loading shipping zones consecutively.
* Fix - scanned variations with one attribute not handled correctly.
* Tweak - product grid styling enhancements and change of default view.
* Tweak - option to reset database and reload regsiter upon failed initialisaiton.
* Tweak - hide unused product attributes from the product grid variation selector.
* Tweak - global setting for loading of customers on register load.
* Tweak - register setting for grid layout.
* Fix - register clerks were not able to login to register.
* Tweak - product grid list view enhancements.
* Feature - support for quick response (QR) barcode on store receipt.
* Feature - cache products data in browser for faster access.
* Feature - introduce splash screen to load POS data.
* Feature - continue loading data in background.
* Feature - enhanced product search.
* Feature - option to refresh data on register load.
* Fix - customer search results were not showing all customers.
* Fix - product variations were not showing correctly.
* Fix - refund link was not working for tablet users.
* Fix - tendered option validated after user input.
* Fix - cart item price does not change.
* Fix - shipping and billing options not displayed correctly.
* Fix - fix product grid sorting and loading issues.
* Tweak - WC 4.6.0 compatibility.
* Tweak - set default publishing of products when adding products through register.
* Tweak - login screen no longer shows register data.
* Tweak - cart actions enhancement for mobile users.
* Tweak - product attributes when adding to the cart.
* Tweak - additional choice of behaviour of grid when adding product to cart.
* Tweak - closing register screen rearrangement.
* Tweak - add SKU field to the custom product form.