Download Polylang Pro 3.6.4 from nulled fire. Polylang Pro adds multilingual capability to WordPress
* Pro: Require ACF 5.7.11+ to activate the compatibility to avoid fatal errors with older versions
* Pro: Avoid translating empty front slug (could cause a wrong redirect to /wp-admin)
* Pro: Fix filter wp_unique_term_slug not always correctly applied.
* Pro: Fix a conflict with Divi causing post synchronization buttons to be displayed multiple times
* Avoid notice in WP CLI context
* Pro: Fix a conflict preventing meta synchronization when ACF is active
* Pro: Fix post metas not correctly copied when translating a Beaver Builder page
* Pro: Fix a fatal error when posts made with Elementor are synchronized
* Pro: Fix Prewiew button not working correctly when using one domain per language
* Pro: Fix post synchronization not available for WP CRON and WP CLI
* Fix future posts not available in the autocomplete input field of the languages metabox
* Fix translations files not loaded on REST requests
* Fix deleted term parent not synchronized
* Pro: Fix slow admin in case the translations update server can't be reached
* Pro: Fix value not correctly translated for ACF clone fields in repeater
* Fix strings translations mixed when registered via the WPML compatibility.