Popup Plugin For WordPress - ConvertPlus 3.5.27

Download Popup Plugin For WordPress - ConvertPlus 3.5.27 from nulled fire. ConvertPlug is the all-in-one WordPress Popup plugin
Fixed: Hidden field not displayed in the frontend.
Fixed: Checkbox field not rendering HTML in the frontend.
Fixed: Create Campaign button not working.
Fixed: Exporting CSV file for contacts not working for the particular campaign.
Fixed: Contact details not displaying.
Fixed: Delete Campaign not working.
Fixed: Campaign Analytics not displayed.
Fixed: Unnecessary displaying of the HTML span tag when used shortcode.
Fixed: Dropdown field not displayed in the frontend.
Fixed: Timezone variable exception
Fixed: Activate License link not displayed on the Plugins Page.
Fixed: PHP triggered an error while generating the markup due to PHP buffer.
Fixed: The Pop-up not displaying on the website having the same Post, Page & category.