PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.39.2

Download PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.39.2 from nulled fire. PowerPack for Beaver Builder is a set of custom, creative, unique modules for Beaver Builder.
* Enhancement: Added placeholder toggle and color option in Contact Form 7 module
* Fix: PHP notice caused by Custom Grid
== 1.3 ==
Release date: July 17, 2017
* New: Added Advanced Menu module
* New: Added Custom Grid module
* New: Added Filterable Gallery Module
* New: Added 3D Slider module
* New: Added Table module
* Enhancement: Added title prefix option in InfoBox module
* Enhancement: Added margin options for title and description in FlipBox module
* Enhancement: Added padding option for button in FlipBox module
* Enhancement: Added round corners option for box in Smart Banner module
* Enhancement: Added smooth transition on button in Smart Banner module
* Enhancement: Added zoom effect on background image in Smart Banner module
* Enhancement: Added box shadow option in Team module
* Enhancement: Added Field Connections for image field in Team module
* Enhancement: Added content background color option in Team module
* Enhancement: Added content position option in Team module
* Enhancement: Added title alignment option in Image Panel module
* Enhancement: Added box shadow option in Testimonial module
* Enhancement: Added spacing option for Layout-3 in Testimonial module
* Enhancement: Added content padding option in Advanced Tabs module
* Enhancement: Added content border option in Advanced Tabs module
* Enhancement: Added background image option in Advanced Tabs module
* Enhancement: Added margin option for Style-8 in Advanced Tabs module
* Enhancement: Added margin option for content in Subscribe Form module
* Enhancement: Added responsive form padding option in Subscribe Form module
* Enhancement: Added round corners option in Highlight Box module
* Enhancement: Added margin and padding options for items in Restaurant Menu module
* Enhancement: Added round corners and box shadow options for items in Restaurant Menu module
* Enhancement: Added background opacity option for label and content in Advanced Accordion module
* Enhancement: Added title border option in Timeline module
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form can be submitted by pressing enter key
* Enhancement: Rearranged fields in InfoBox module
* Enhancement: Rearranged fields in Team module
* Fix: Image alignment for "Icon on Top" layout in InfoBox module
* Fix: Removed default margins on image in InfoBox module
* Fix: Images margins of left and right icon layout in InfoBox module
* Fix: Icon border radius preview in FlipBox module
* Fix: Image height in Smart Banner module
* Fix: Preview selectors for content padding in Smart Banner module
* Fix: Pagination issues when using multiple grid modules on same page in Content Grid module
* Fix: Border and Round Corners were not working in Hover Cards 2 module
* Fix: Minor CSS issues in Team module
* Fix: Minor CSS issues in InfoList module
* Fix: Minor CSS issues in Testimonial module
* Fix: Minor CSS issues in Advanced Tabs module
* Fix: Minor CSS issues in Advanced Accordion module
* Fix: Minor CSS issues in Pricing Table module
* Fix: Input border was not working in Contact Form module
* Fix: Input border was not working in Subscribe Form module
* Enhancement: Icon can now be removable in Announcement Bar module
* Enhancement: Added filter pp_cg_loop_settings in Content Grid module
* Enhancement: Added action pp_cg_loop_settings_before_form in Content Grid module
* Enhancement: Added action pp_cg_loop_settings_after_form in Content Grid module
* Enhancement: Added Full Content option in Content Grid module
* Enhancement: Added meta separator field in Content Grid module
* Enhancement: Added filter pp_tiles_loop_settings in Content Tiles module
* Enhancement: Added action pp_tiles_loop_settings_before_form in Content Tiles module
* Enhancement: Added action pp_tiles_loop_settings_after_form in Content Tiles module
* Enhancement: Added dots ... at the end of the limited post description in Content Grid module
* Enhancement: Modal Box can now be opened via URL
* Enhancement: Added content alignment option in InfoBox module
* Enhancement: Added No Icon layout type in InfoBox module
* Enhancement: Added an option to choose the image size between default and custom in InfoBox module
* Enhancement: Added custom height option for input fields in Gravity Forms module
* Enhancement: Added field connection in Social Icons module
* Fix: Query filters JS toggle issue in Content Grid
* Fix: Removed "Link" option from Content Grid to fix the link issue on some server
* Fix: Layout break when using saved templates in Modal Box
* Fix: Sub labels were not hiding when labels are turned off in Gravity Forms module
* Fix: Minor CSS issues in Gravity Forms module
* Fix: Unable to remove post meta text color in Content Grid module
* Fix: Parent column round corners CSS was applying to child column
* Fix: Beaver Themer layout break when using Content Tiles due to wp_reset_query()