PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.36.2

Download PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.36.2 from nulled fire. PowerPack for Beaver Builder is a set of custom, creative, unique modules for Beaver Builder.
== ==
* Fix: Announcement Bar - JS error due to cookie introduced in 2.6.3

== 2.6.3 ==
* Enhancement: Content Grid - added "Custom" Layout option to build Custom Layouts
* Enhancement: Facebook modules - added Multisite App ID support for each sub-site in integration settings
* Enhancement: Announcement Bar - added Cookie settings
* Enhancement: Info Box - added nofollow option for link/button
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - added thumbnail size option
* Enhancement: Info List - added missing alt tag markup
* Enhancement: Info List - changed max length of icon size setting field from 2 to 3
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - added checkbox text color option
* Fix: Content Grid - post type reset issue in custom query when using the module on CPT archive or singular templates built with Beaver Themer
* Fix: Info Box - issue with Icon at Right layout
* Fix: Countdown - JS conflict with SportsPress plugin
* Fix: Contact Form - checkbox field width issue when Inline layout is set
* Fix: Subscribe Form - checkbox field width issue
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - added Notification Subject option and minor module setting form enhancements
* Enhancement: Animated Headlines - added selection text and background color options for Typing animation
* Enhancement: White Label - added URL parameter "pp_reset_wl_plugin" to clear "Hide Plugin" settings (example.com)
* Fix: Subscribe Form - form submission issues with GDPR checkbox
* Fix: Photo Gallery - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
* Fix: Image Carousel - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
* Fix: Content Grid - layout issue when using the module in expandable row
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Button styling options will work The Events Calendar RSVP button
* Fix: Dot / One Page Navigation - incorrect alignment for left position
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP error when building archive layout using Beaver Themer
* Fix: Content Grid - Dynamic / AJAX filters were not working on custom post type archive layout built with Beaver Themer
* Fix: Post Timeline - Content cut-off issue
* Fix: Countdown - Colon separator was not appearing vertically center to the digits
* Fix: Restaurant Menu - extra spacing issue in menu items when price is hidden or not set
* Fix: License re-activation issues