* Enhancement: WPML - Added support for Custom Title and Custom Description fields in all form styler modules
* Enhancement: WPML - Added support for checkbox text field in Subscribe Form module
* Enhancement: Logo Grid & Carousel - Added option to control number of slides to move at a time
* Enhancement: Hover Cards 2 - Added option for title HTML tag
* Enhancement: Contact Form - Added button border styling options
* Enhancement: Contact Form - Added separate typography options for checkbox field
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to control number of slides to scroll at a time
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Updated JS library to the latest version
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Moved Effect option from Setting tab to General tab in module settings
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added separate typography options for checkbox field
* Fix: Custom Grid - CSS was not compiling after updating to 2.6.7
* Fix: Image Carousel - Custom image size was not working
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Custom image size was not working
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Extra spacing issue with menu item having sub-menu
* Fix: Advanced Menu - hide-heading CSS class was not working
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub menu toggle icon was not rotating back when clicking on another sub-menu toggle icon
* Fix: Info Box - Updated HTML markup to prevent duplicate issues with BB's inline editing
* Fix: Info Box - Removed empty containers when image or icon is not set
* Fix: Content Grid - Reverted posts per page option for carousel
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP error when using WooCommerce product post type on some servers
* Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomies were not being fetched sometimes in module settings
* Fix: Content Grid - Button link was sometimes referring to the page itself
* Fix: Content Grid - Load More pagination button was showing despite no more posts
* Fix: Advanced Tabs - Content Grid layout issue when using as a template inside a tab
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Conflict with hash anchors
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Special characters were breaking HTML markup
* Fix: Modal Box - iframe was not loading after first trigger
* Fix: Smart Headings - alt tag was missing from image separator
* Fix: Flip Box - Double tap issue to flip the box in mobile devices
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Alignment issue with rotating animations
* Fix: Gravity Form - Raw HTML markup was rendering in WPML translation field
* Fix: Contact Form - Minor CSS issues
* Fix: Multiple categories were showing in BB's templates panel
* Fix: imagesloaded JS error due to changes in the latest release of Beaver Builder (v2.1.5.1)
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Menu toggle button was not working on window resize after updating to 2.6.7
* Fix: White Label setting was not working for templates group name
* Fix: Custom Grid was throwing PHP error when used in Dashboard Welcome plugin in wp-admin
* Fix: Email icon missing from Social Icons module
== ==
* Fix: Content Grid - Posts were not rendering as per column setting in module after updating to 2.6.7
== 2.6.7 ==
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added a new layout as Style 9
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added Load More button for pagination
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option for nofollow pagination links
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added <p>, <span>, and <div> tags support for title
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added Load More button for pagination
* Enhancement: Facebook Button - Added alignment option
* Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added an option to set default active filter
* Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added an option to hide "All" filter button
* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added an option to activate one of the dual pricing with URL hash parameter
* Enhancement: New actions added to post modules schema function - pp_post_before_schema_meta, pp_post_after_schema_meta
* Enhancement: New filters added to post modules schema function - pp_post_schema_meta_general, pp_post_schema_meta_publisher_image_url, pp_post_schema_meta_publisher, pp_post_schema_meta_author
* Fix: Content Grid - Order by meta value was not working with AJAX pagination
* Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working for Main Query
* Fix: Team Member - WordPress and Flickr icons were not displaying
* Fix: Custom Grid - Featured Image shortcode was not working for image URL
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Empty containers left behind on window resize
* Fix: Timeline - Animation difference of left and right content
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Caption and description were failed to load if entered special character
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Framed overlay effect was not working
* Fix: Subscribe Form - Multiple subscribe forms on the same page were not working properly with responsive display setting
* Fix: Subscribe Form - Submission message was not displaying due to incorrect JS target
* Fix: Content Tiles - "Show other posts" was breaking HTML layout
* Fix: Pricing Table - Items were not showing on responsive devices when matrix layout is used
* Fix: Down Arrow - Appearing vertically middle when background overlay is set to the row
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Horizontal extra spacing issue in some animations on responsive devices
* Fix: PHP Fatal error due to deprecated file in Beaver Themer 1.2-beta.1