PowerPack Pro for Elementor 2.11.11

Download PowerPack Pro for Elementor 2.11.11 from nulled fire. Build beautiful Elementor websites faster than ever with PowerPack Elements.
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - PHP error in some cases
* Fixed: Categories - PHP error in some cases
* Fixed: Logo Grid - Minor CSS glitch when link is added to logo
* Fixed: Display Conditions - Deprecated code in Request Parameter condition
* Fixed: Card Slider - Swiper CSS was not loading
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Fancybox lightbox was not working properly with load more button
* Fixed: Devices - Issue with videos
* Fixed: Devices - Removed the deprecated Modest Branding option
* Fixed: Video - Removed the deprecated Modest Branding option
* Enhancement: Google Maps - Added option to show marker using ACF Image field
* Enhancement: Showcase - Added logic to stop other videos when one is being played
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added logic to stop other videos when one is being played
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Fancybox Thumbs Position option
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Justified Gallery layout with filters
* Fixed: Image Slider - Incorrect Slides per view count on responsive devices for Slideshow layout
* Fixed: Devices - Minor CSS issue when lengthy image is used and Fit Type is set to Cover or Fill
* Fixed: Woo Products - Issue with carousel layout
* Fixed: Display Conditions - PHP error while using ACF Taxonomy condition and when the condition field value was left empty