Rank Math SEO PRO 3.0.76

Download Rank Math SEO PRO 3.0.76 from nulled fire. Rank Math is the most powerful way to get BEST WordPress SEO tools added to your website.
Improved: Migrated Local Business to the new block.json format
Updated: Portuguese (Brazil) Translations
Fixed: PHP translation notices on WordPress 6.7
Added: Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
Fixed: Scheduled Activation of redirections was not working
Fixed: PHP deprecated warnings on the Rank Tracker page
Fixed: Autogenerate Video Thumbnail was generating duplicate images when YouTube URLs were added in the Elementor Playlist widget
Improved: Space is now supported in the Find & Replace field of the Image Replacements
Fixed: Replacements for captions were not working when the caption tag had no attributes
Fixed: Display Based on Conditions was working only after removing the default condition