Added WooCommerce 9.6.x compatibility
Added option to disable "Stacked" effect for mobile devices in "Post Loop Builder" element
Added new filter 'nectar_is_blog_archive' to allow overrides on archives for page header
Added option to disable Page Header > Box Roll effect on mobile devices
Added option to allow Blog single content width to inherit from global container width
Fixed columns from jumping on load when using delayed JS execution + backdrop blur filter
Fixed "Toggle Panels" scroll-to functionality on desktop when using Accordion style
Fixed Flickity "Image Gallery" page builder element when used inside of the "Tabs" element
Fixed accessibility issues with a few theme icons to utilize the appropriate role
Fixed accessibility with the "Portfolio" page builder element > project links
Fixed Yoast SEO sitemap to automatically exclude Global Sections by default
Fixed automatic excerpt to render text from "Split Line Heading" page builder elements
Updated Salient Core to v3.0.5
Updated Salient Portfolio to v1.8.1
Added heading render tag to "Post Loop Builder" page builder element. You can now specify the typography and render tag separately.
Added new filter `nectar_default_fancy_box_image_size` to programmatically specify the global default image size for various page builder elements.
Fixed Salient Menu Options -> Custom "Hover Color" to take effect for all navigation configurations
Fixed "Milestone" page builder element to allow "Motion Blur" style to utilize specified render tag typography
Fixed Delay JS warning when using hash-style routing links in header navigation
Fixed Brand Icons added via the Salient Menu Options to display in mobile menu correctly
Fixed Placeholders in "Image Gallery" page builder element
Updated Salient Core to v3.0.4
Added latest Google fonts
Added WooCommerce 9.5.1 compatibility
Added new action hooks inside header navigation quick search: `nectar_quick_search_before_result_item` and `nectar_quick_search_after_result_item`
Fixed animated anchor navigation active item highlighting when using absolute URLs with a hash
Fixed transparent navigation state when using Global section inside of Off canvas navigation
Fixed WooCommerce product slider to resize correctly when using product variation as default with "Bottom Thumbnails Slider" Gallery type
Fixed I18n rendering issue when using automatic post excerpts
Fixed Header navigation to display when entrance animation is set and JS is disabled
Fixed Clickable area for Post Loop Builder element in "Content Next to Featured Image" display style
Fixed multiple Salient Studio -> Blog Templates to not start with post offsets
Updated Salient Core to v3.0.3