Download SearchWP 4.3.15 from nulled fire. Instantly improve the search experience of your WordPress site today with SearchWP.
- **[Fix]** Resolves an issue where AND logic wasn't strict enough in some cases
- **[Fix]** Relocated `searchwp_indexer_pre` action trigger to restore expected behavior
- **[Improvement]** Additinal refinements to delta update queue processing to prevent excessive server resource usage in some cases
- **[Improvement]** Adds edit icon to supplemental engine name to communicate it is editable
- **[Change]** License key is no longer displayed in license key field if populated via constant or hook
- **[New]** New filter `searchwp_engine_use_taxonomy_name` that controls displaying name or label of Taxonomies in enging settings
- **[New]** New filter `searchwp_and_fields_{$post_type}` allowing for AND field customization per post type
N/A Changelog
- **[Fix]** Fixes an issue where post type Limit rules were too aggressive in some cases
- **[Improvement]** Implements updates to index delta update routine to reduce potentially unncessary triggers