Shoptimizer - The Fastest WooCommerce Theme 2.8.3

Download Shoptimizer - The Fastest WooCommerce Theme 2.8.3 from nulled fire. Shoptimizer is the perfect theme for your next WooCommerce project designed around speed.
Fix: Improved native WooCommerce info bar styling.
Fix: PDP gallery modal z-index issue.
Fix: Undefined array key for shoptimizer_layout_wrapper.
Fix: Germanized styling on checkout page improved.
Fix: Previous/Next on PDPs now excludes out of stock products.
Fix: Checkout heading function now includes an additional check if it exists.
Fix: RTL improvements.
* Fix: Numerous CSS tweaks and improvements after the big 2.8 release.
* Tweak: PDP Cross-sells carousel now includes a call to action button.
* Accessibility: Search modal now closable by pressing the ESC key.
* New: Can now hide cross-sells from the cart page.
* Fix: Improved build process for unminified theme CSS files.
* Fix: Mini cart close icon hidden in Safari.
* Fix: Mobile mini cart width fix for small viewports.
* Fix: Cart icon hidden on desktop when 'Header 5' layout selected.
* Tweak: Cross-sells PDP carousel now RTL compatible.