Smart Manager For WooCommerce 8.38.0

Download Smart Manager For WooCommerce 8.38.0 from nulled fire. Smart Manager For WooCommerce powerful tool to manage stock, inventory from a single place.
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* New: WooCommerce v5.8.0 compatible
* New: Added option `sm_wp_force_collapse_admin_menu` to enable/disable collapsing of WordPress Admin Menu when on Smart Manager page.
* Fix: Unable to edit 'status' for product variations to enable/disable the same using inline edit
* Update: UI Improvements
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Fix: Unable to edit attribute values for product variations using inline edit in case of sorted data in grid
* Fix: Fields not getting disabled for product variations in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes
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