StudioPress Foodie Pro 4.2.0

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Download StudioPress Foodie Pro 4.2.0 from nulled fire. Foodie Pro is the most flexible Genesis Theme to date - with a minimalist style and plenty of color and typography options.
* Minor bug fixes
* Updated footer function for ease of editing (we now recommend the "Genesis Simple Edits" plugin as well)
* Updated header to use <img> rather than background-image, with site title in its proper place (alt tag)
* Header will now display at whatever resolution it's uploaded at - no coding changes required
* Updated CSS to fix search-engine-unfriendly hidden-text (text-indent:-9999px;)
* Updated <pre> style to more closely resemble gist/github
* Renamed recipes-top to recipe-index-search
* Renamed recipes-bottom to recipe-index-featured-posts
* Updated aligncenter images CSS
* Added more descriptive content to widget areas
Unknown changelog