StudioPress Magazine Pro 3.7.2

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Download StudioPress Magazine Pro 3.7.2 from nulled fire. The Magazine Pro Genesis Theme is a great WordPress Theme
Magazine Pro 3.5.0 requires Genesis 3.1 or higher.

* Added: HTML5 supports for `scripts` and `styles` available in WordPress 5.3.
* Added: Support for `genesis-lazy-load-images` available in Genesis 3.2.
* Added: Set post meta on theme activation.
* Added: WordPress 5.3 alignment classes.
* Changed: Block width CSS for nested blocks.
* Changed: Separator and hr styles to allow for block color options.
* Changed: CSS for image, gallery, and gallery item figcaptions.
* Changed: Spacing between WooCommerce products.
* Changed: Use padding instead of margin on lists.
* Changed: CSS for tables for better consistency between editor and front end and to allow for new WordPress 5.3 settings.
* Changed: Allow footer widgets to be displayed on the landing page template.
* Changed: Set imported landing page meta to hide footer widgets. Requires Genesis 3.2 or higher.
* Removed: Squared button styles in favor of new button block border-radius setting.
* Added: Form and button styles for WPForms.
* Added: Featured image display options for singular posts and pages.
* Added: singular-wide image size for full width singular pages.
* Added: Block-based homepage layout.
* Added: Styles for Atomic Blocks.
* Added: One-click theme setup with starter pack options.
* Added: Create a WPForms form during one-click theme setup and insert a WPForms block on the sample contact page.
* Changed: Updated Screenshot to reflect one-click theme setup content.
* Changed: Moved default theme settings to /config/ folder.
* Changed: Updated PHP, CSS, and JavaScript to adhere to WordPress coding standards.
* Changed: Updated normalize.css to latest version.
* Changed: Use PHP short array syntax.
* Changed: Relocated the landing page template to the page-templates folder and renamed to landing.php.
* Changed: Allow breadcrumbs and layout settings to be used on the landing page template.
* Changed: Use new genesis_get_theme_handle() and genesis_get_theme_version() functions from Genesis 3.0.0 in place of declaring CHILD_THEME_NAME and CHILD_THEME_VERSION constants.
* Changed: Update image size default functions for WooCommerce 3.3+.
* Changed: Move theme supports to `config/theme-supports.php`.
* Changed: Replace custom-header with genesis-custom-logo.
* Changed: Remove matchHeight script and use CSS flex instead to match heights of WooCommerce product lists.
* Changed: Generate inline styles for the Block Editor from theme supports, reducing manual Block Editor CSS required. See lib/gutenberg/inline-styles.php.
* Changed: Use theme-primary and theme-secondary slugs for Block Editor color palette to prevent possible loss of styling when switching themes. We are now using this convention for new StudioPress theme releases and updates and encourage theme developers to do the same.
* Changed: Combined all Block Editor and theme appearance options into a single file at config/appearance.php.
* Changed: Image size names.
* Changed: CSS adjustments including button, blockquote, columns styling.
* Changed: Default link color.
* Changed: Rename `js/entry-date.js` script to `js/move-entry-dates.js`, refactor to remove jQuery dependency, target Atomic Blocks post grid blocks, and apply in the editor as well as the front-end.
* Removed: CSS rem units.
* Removed: XML file in favor of one-click theme setup.
* Removed: Support for `genesis-responsive-viewport` since it is included by default in Genesis 3.0+.
* Removed: Navigation extras filters since they are no longer necessary in Genesis 3.0+.
* Removed: `genesis_theme_settings_defaults` filter since it is no longer necessary in Genesis 3.0+.
* Removed: Front page widget areas (home-top, home-middle, home-bottom) and related CSS.
* Removed; front-page.php template file.
* Removed: Genesis Responsive Slider front page styles and theme setting defaults.
* Fixed: Prevent an issue where the WooCommerce shop page layout could be ignored and fall back to the site default layout on sites that use object caching.
* Fixed: WooCommerce button style consistency.
* Fixed: Ensure that general list styles do not apply to WooCommerce product blocks.
* Add support for Gutenberg editor styling and opt-in features.
* Improve color contrast for accessibility.
* Update placeholder text CSS.
* Style privacy cookie comment form checkbox.
* WooCommerce: prevent button hover color overriding footer widget buttons.
* WooCommerce: update list styling in product content and short descriptions.