The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Feature - With our revamped RSVP experience, Attendee Registration fields have been cleaned up for RSPVs and will be served through Event Tickets Plus. Any customizations or style updates to these fields should be revisited and updated to match your current markup in their new template locations. [ET-866]
* Fix - Updated our HTML markup, accompanying CSS, and JS click event handling for WordPress 5.5 compatibility where we have toggle boxes when editing Attendee Registration Information. [ETP-380]
* Fix - Replace usage of MultiByte package when it's not available, use `tribe_strtoupper` instead of `mb_strtoupper` and `mb_detect_encoding` [ETP-411] [ETP-412] [VE-150]
* Tweak - Removed unused HTML files in the plugin root folder that were there for your reference to our plugin's data collection transparency. This information is included within WordPress' Privacy Guide at /wp-admin/privacy-policy-guide.php [ETP-348]
* Tweak - The shortcode `[tribe_tickets_rsvp]` is now compatible with the new refreshed RSVP frontend views feature in Event Tickets 5.0. [ETP-386]
* Tweak - Changed views: `meta/birth`, `v2/components/meta/birth`, `v2/components/meta/checkbox`, `v2/components/meta/datetime`, `v2/components/meta/email`, `v2/components/meta/number`, `v2/components/meta/radio`, `v2/components/meta/select`, `v2/components/meta/telephone`, `v2/components/meta/text`, `v2/components/meta/url`
* Language - 5 new strings added, 11 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Feature - Add trigger actions (attendee registered, attendee check in) in WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads to notify Promoter. [ETP-350]
* Fix - Do not run our commerce provider integration code if that provider's core plugin is not currently active. For example, no fatal error should occur if an event has sold a WooCommerce ticket but now the core WooCommerce plugin is disabled. [ETP-333]
* Tweak - Added the `tribe_tickets_is_woocommerce_active()` function (one for Easy Digital Downloads already existed). [ETP-333]
* Tweak - Display all of a post's order tabs in the Attendees Report admin screen. Example: if a post's ticket provider was Easy Digital Downloads Tickets and such tickets were sold, then the post's provider changed to WooCommerce Tickets, the Attendees Report screen should show both the Easy Digital Downloads order history tab and the WooCommerce order history tab, regardless of which ticket provider is currently the default. [ETP-333]
* Tweak - Update usage of `Tribe__Tickets__Tickets::get_ticket_provider_instance()`, as it now returns a class instance instead of class name string. [ETP-333]
* Tweak - Update usage of `Tribe__Tickets__Tickets::get_event_ticket_provider()`, as it now returns false if the ticket provider is no longer active. [ETP-333]
* Tweak - Use Event Tickets' new `Tribe__Tickets__Tickets::get_attendee_optout_key()` to simplify getting the optout key regardless of ticket provider class and accounting for legacy code. [ETP-333]
* Tweak - Add labels to each select input for the Attendee Information's Birth Date field. [ETP-338]
* Tweak - Modify parameters on `register_rest_route` to include `permission_callback` to prevent notices on WordPress 5.5.
* Language - 3 new strings added, 38 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Tweak - Resolve a PHP notice when rendering the Birth date field [ETP-330]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 4 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted