The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.2.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.2.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
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* Fix - Prevent fatals involving Commerce Classes and Tribe__Tickets__Tickets

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* Feature - Show remaining ticket count, buy now now buttons in list views of The Events Calendar [71092 & 71094]
* Feature - An API to get ticket, attendee, event, and order infomation from a post id for RSVP, EDD, and WooCommerce Tickets [74363]
* Tweak - Removed support for Shopp and WP E-Commerce plugins [71909]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_events_tickets_woo_quantity_column_class`
* Tweak - Removed filters: `shopptickets_assign_to_category`, `shopptickets_ticket_category`, `shopptickets_generate_tickets_hook`, `shopptickets_historical_purchase_names`, `shopptickets_ticket_category_description`, `shopptickets_ticket_category_parent`, `tribe_tickets_plus_shopp_get_ticket`, `shopptickets_ticket_price_html`, `shopptickets_quantity_selector_options`, `shopptickets_ticket_email_content`, `shopptickets_ticket_email_headers`, `shopptickets_ticket_email_attachments`, `shopptickets_ticket_email_recipient`, `shopptickets_ticket_email_subject`, `wpectickets_order_is_complete`, `wpecticket_fulfilment_error_message`, `tribe_tickets_plus_wpec_get_ticket`, `wpectickets_ticket_price_html`
* Tweak - Removed actions: `event_tickets_shopp_attendee_created`, `event_tickets_shopp_ticket_created`, `shopptickets_checkin`, `shopptickets_uncheckin`, `event_tickets_wpec_attendee_created`, `event_tickets_wpec_ticket_created`, `wpectickets-send-tickets-email`, `eddtickets_ticket_deleted`, `wpectickets_checkin`, `wpectickets_uncheckin`
* Tweak - Changed views: `eddtickets/tickets`, `shopptickets/tickets`, `tickets-plus/attendee-list-checkbox-rsvp`, `tickets-plus/attendee-list-checkbox-tickets`, `wootickets/tickets`, `wpectickets/tickets`
* Language - 0 new strings added, 34 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 21 obsoleted [event-tickets-plus]
  • Feature — Overlay over ticket fields when javascript is disabled to prevent ticket orders
  • Tweak — Included a New Filter `tribe_tickets_plus_qr_handle_redirects` to give the chance to modify the QR checkin redirect URL
  • Performance — Remove unnecessary ticket stock queries and avoid running some where unnecessary (our thanks to @mindshare for highlighting some of these issues)
Fix — Do not add “you will receive your tickets in another email” messaging to refund notices (our thanks to Shadi Habbal for highlighting this)
Tweak — Shopp and WP E-Commerce integrations have been deprecated prior to removal in a future release
Tweak — Further adjustments made to our plugin licensing system