The Events Calendar - Virtual Events 1.15.6

Download The Events Calendar - Virtual Events 1.15.6 from nulled fire. Virtual Events is an add-on to The Events Calendar suite of products that optimizes your calendar.
* Fix - Prevent infinite recursion on event single when using object caching (props @therealgilles). [TEC-3587]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 20 updated, 6 fuzzied, and 7 obsoleted
* Feature - Compatibility with Filter Bar Version 5.0.0 with Virtual Events
* Language - 0 new strings added, 20 updated, 6 fuzzied, and 6 obsoleted
* Feature - Add specific filtering for the "virtual" term and utilize it in our filters for "Virtual Event(s)". [VE-136]
* Feature - Add functions and filters to allow showing virtual content to logged-in users only. [VE-166]
* Feature - Add virtual events as a filter for Filter Bar. [VE-147]
* Feature - Add a check using the Zoom API to automatically update the meeting password in your site when visiting the admin editor for an event or when visiting the front-end of the event on a 1 hour interval. [VE-158]
* Fix - Prevent the current URL being returned for the Zoom join URL when an empty event ID is used and prevent certain `get_post_meta` calls from being done in that case. [BTRIA-467]
* Tweak - Add virtual event info to the Google Calendar and iCal exports. [VE-150]
* Tweak - Change tooltip for the virtual icon to say "Virtual" and add a blue hover state to the icon. [VE-161]
* Tweak - Change warning message for unembeddable links to something more informative. Include link to WP oEmbed page. [VE-164]
* Tweak - Allow disabling Zoom connection and link generation from an Event by returning false using the new filter `tribe_events_virtual_zoom_meeting_link_allow_generation` or `tribe_events_virtual_link_allow_generation` using your own custom logic. [VE-176]
* Tweak - Moved all _events-virtual-admin_ CSS rules within the `.virtual-event-wrapper.eventtable` wrapper to add specificity so generic form field rules don't accidentally get overriden, such as by the theme or Community Events when displayed on the front-end. [VE-177]
* Fix - Fix an issue where the plugin translations would not being correctly loaded on non English websites. [VE-181]
* Language - 21 new strings added, 17 updated, 2 fuzzied, and 8 obsoleted