The Events Calendar - Virtual Events 1.15.6

Download The Events Calendar - Virtual Events 1.15.6 from nulled fire. Virtual Events is an add-on to The Events Calendar suite of products that optimizes your calendar.
* Version - Virtual Events 1.13.6 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.10 and higher
* Tweak - PHP version compatibility bumped to PHP 7.4
* Tweak - Version Composer updated to 2
* Tweak - Version Node updated to 18.13.0
* Tweak - Version NPM update to 8.19.3
* Tweak - Reduce JavaScript bundle sizes for Blocks editor
* Version - Virtual Events 1.13.4 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.7 and higher
* Fix - Numerous issues related to the translation of Views rewrite slugs. [TEC-3733]
* Tweak - Adapt to the change in how we handle view slugs. [TEC-4586]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe-events-virtual-widgets-v2-{$view_slug}-should-enqueue-assets`
* Tweak - Removed filters: `tribe-events-virtual-widgets-v2-{$view->get_slug()}-should-enqueue-assets`
* Tweak - Modify the information text around the embed feature to represent all the support integrations. [VE-557]
* Fix - Prevent fatal errors with Webex and the password usage. [VE-570]
* Fix - Add back Virtual Events filter to the Filter Bar. [FBAR-282]
* Fix - Change how the Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft, and Webex automatic access token refresh gets the url to prevent it from being empty causing numerous error log entries. [VE-565]
* Language - 10 new strings added, 35 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 16 obsoleted.