The Grid - Responsive Wordpress Grid Plugin

Download The Grid - Responsive Wordpress Grid Plugin from nulled fire. The Grid is a premium wordpress grid plugin which allows you to show off any custom post types
Version 2.4.0 – May 25th, 2017

- Fixed an issue with X Theme Pro and Cornerstone
- Fixed a php issue with excerpt functionality
- Fixed minor css/js issues
Version 2.3.5 – April 3rd, 2017

- Added compatibility with Woocommerce 3.0.0
- Fixed an issue with Pinterest shared URL with query string parameters
- Fixed an issue with sort by Woocommerce price order (format value issue)
- Fixed minor css/js issues
Version 2.3.0 – February 3rd, 2017

- Fixed an issue with Youtube duration format
- Fixed an issue with download skin file for developers (PHP issue)
- Fixed an issue with element icon settings not clickacble in rare cases
- Fixed an issue with Twitter search by Tweets feed in preview mode
- Fixed a typo issue for RSS transient expiration set to 3600s
- Fixed an issue with overlay hover state styles not correctly applied for custom skins
- Fixed an issue with cache not correctly cleared when updating/saving/deleting a post
- Fixed an issue with infinite scroll with Vimeo/Youtube stream source
- Fixed an issue with Smart Resize option generating warning in rare case
- Fixed minor CSS/JS issues
- Updated grid demo files available in the main downloadable .zip package on CodeCanyon