The7 - Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 11.12.2

Download The7 - Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 11.12.2 from nulled fire. Put simply, The7 is THE most customizable WordPress theme on the market.
1. Improved: Font Awesome updated to v.5.3.1.
2. Improved: syntax highlighting added for custom JS and CSS in Theme Options.
3. Improved: borders styling for social icons and all carousel shortcodes.
4. Fixed: issue with navigation arrows backgrounds in carousel shortcodes.
5. Fixed: issue with gradient missing on active menu item in custom menu widget.
6. Fixed: issue with Theme Options not saving when some third part plugins using lessphp library are active.
7. Fixed: issue with menu 1 and 2 widgets non selectable in customizer.
8. Fixed: privacy checkbox not unchecking automatically after submitting a contact form.
Other minor improvements and fixes.
1. Improved: compatibility with "Affiliate Toolkit Starter" plugin.
2. Fixed: missing "hide featured image" option in post editing interface.
3. Fixed: mixed up previous/next post links.
4. Fixed: "Using unescaped '#' characters in a data URI body is deprecated" warning in Chrome.
5. Fixed: issue with floating header covering top part of rows, when using anchor links in IE.
6. Fixed: issue in WooCommerce Products Masonry & Grid shortcode with price and description not showing up in IE.
1. New: Media Gallery Carousel shortcode.
2. New: brand new Photos Carousel shortcode.
3. Fixed: issue with Products shortcode displaying hidden products.
4. Fixed: issue with Photos Scroller shortcode autoslide default setting.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood changes.