The7 - Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 11.12.2

Download The7 - Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 11.12.2 from nulled fire. Put simply, The7 is THE most customizable WordPress theme on the market.
1. New: much improved and extended Mega Menu. Note, this is still a beta feature!
1.1. Theme Options > Top Bar & Header; under "Submenu" tab, "Mega menu background settings" and "Mega menu items" block were added. Here you can setup:
- mega menu background (under-layer) paddings;
- columns paddings and columns width (latter works only for non full-width menus);
- menu items typography, colors and paddings, etc.
1.2. Appearance > Menus; all mega menu related settings were moved under "The7 Mega Menu" button. Numerous features and corresponding settings were added, among which:
- display a widget area (use with caution!);
- set a background image for the menu;
- hide certain menu columns in mobile view;
- visually choose a menu item icon (from icon-fonts uploaded to the theme);
- upload a menu item image and chose its position, border radius, paddings, etc.
2. New: now you can manage widget areas right from Appearance > Widgets interface.
3. Improved: WooCommerce 3.6.x compatibility.
4. Improved: new settings for "custom menu" and "shopping cart" microwidgets.
5. Fixed: issue with transparent headers not working properly on iOS 12.2.
6. Fixed: issue with incorrect font family for fancy header on product page.
7. Fixed: issue with "media gallery" "masonry grid" images not loading when lazy loading is enabled; also "load more" button displaying when placed inside an Album.
8. Fixed: issue with custom settings not working with new font awesome benefits icons.
9. Fixed: issue with the floating logo not showing up when there is a custom logo set in branding options, and the file is the same as the main logo.
10. Fixed: issue with next menu level indicators missing in side menu.
11. Fixed: issue with full height/width setting for buttons not working with justified menu layout.
12. Fixed: issue with images not showing up if pagination field in "Photos Carousel" is empty.
13. Fixed: issue with "Photos Carousel" doubling the number of images.
14. Fixed: issue with "Main" and "Floating" logos showing up simultaneously in mobile and tablet views.
15. Fixed: issue with "Team Carousel" bold/italic/uppercase settings not working.
16. Improved: general compatibility with plugins that use WP audio player.
17. Improved: updates related to fancy header in WPML-config.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood changes.
1. New: floating sidebar feature added.
2. New: option to choose a 404 page template (Theme Options > Archives and 404).
3. Improved: portfolio breadcrumb string setting added.
4. Improved: Font Awesome from The7 automatically injects into Ultimate Addons shortcodes. No more need to upload it separately.
5. Improved: Google Fonts list updated.
6. Improved: deprecated WooCommerce functions were replaced with new ones.
7. Fixed: issue with images lazy loading not working in Team Grid shortcode when standard pagination option is selected.
8. Fixed: issue with logo in the header "flashing" when reloading the page.
9. Fixed: issue with "hamburger" icon missing the background in mobile header.
10. Fixed: issue with anchor links not working correctly if "hide row" feature is being used.
11. Fixed: issue with autoplay not pausing on hover in carousels.
12. Fixed: issue with damaged file.
13. Fixed: issue with filtering and sorting being messed up in Blog Grid & Masonry shortcode.
Numerous minor visual and under-the-hood improvements and fixes.
N/A Changelog