Fixes Fixed an issue causing php warnings to appear in the Customizer in some instances Fix: Compatibility issue with WP Job Manager plugin Fixes for AMP validation errors Fixed an issue causing a failure to save paragraph typography if rules were added to “Preformatted” text before that Small fixes for controls inside the Post List query builder Fixed an issue where active state and expanded state styles will not be saved Fixed an issue causing multiple Typography sets to be displayed as “Active” in some circumstances Other Allow the User to edit the post title directly in Architect Changed Post List sub-elements to inherit styles from Plain Text instead of Paragraph Cartflow funnel compatibility Update compatibility with Yoast Compatibility with Learndash in the Architect Editor In the switch content dropdown for All Archives show only Archives without dedicated template
Fix for responsive component not being able to show elements after hide and refresh
Fixes Fix for AMP validation errors related to the Google Analytics script placement W3TC compatibility fixes Other Update compatibility with Yoast because they released a major code update