ADDED-Dismiss link to the Total theme license notice in the WP admin
ADDED-Customizer option under Header > Menu to enable a bottom border on hover items (sample screenshot)
ADDED-Advertisement Custom Widget that allows for single or 2 column advertisements (sample screenshot)
ADDED-LearnDash integration – New Customizer section with options to customize your LearnDash archives/posts for each section
ADDED-Customizer setting to disable the bottom border on the Top Bar
ADDED-Option to the Total Accessibility panel (Disable Mobile Menu Focus Styles) which removes the blue border/box-shadow when opening and closing your mobile menu as the theme changes the focus from the button to the menu and back. Enabled by default
ADDED-New filter “vcex_post_type_grid_entry_image” to allow you to alter the post types grid image HTML output via a child theme
UPDATED-WPBakery Plugin to version 6.1
UPDATED-Moved the Total “Accessibility” panel from Tools > Accessibility to Theme Panel > Accessibility
UPDATED-Main page header title to use get_the_title instead of single_post_title to retrieve the page title since the former didn’t support HTML
UPDATED-Total/framework/vendor folder to Total/framework/plugins to fix a bug where WordPress wouldn’t show this folder inside the theme editor panel
UPDATED-Renamed “Unique Id” field in Total modules to “Element ID” for consistency with default WPBakery modules
UPDATED-“Comments Closed” notice design to be more minimal
FIXED-Issue with “Post Terms” module not working in custom grids
FIXED-Issue with font size too large for Custom Post Type entries when displaying in more then one column
ADDED Admin notice to remind you to activate your theme license to receive updates
ADDED “Internal Link” option to the Total Button “Onclick” setting so you can quickly search and link to any page on the site
ADDED Option to center the self-hosted row video backgrounds
ADDED Option to the “Post Comments” module to display the comments heading (hidden by default)
ADDED Customizer option under General Theme Options > Breadcrumbs to allow you to disable/enable the breadcrumbs when using the page header style with a background (previously disabled all the time)
ADDED aria-hidden tag to the self hosted WPBakery video background row option
ADDED aria-expanded tag to the mobile menu toggle icon
UPDATED add_theme_support HTML tag to support the new “script” argument in WordPress 5.3 which removes the “type=”text/javascript”” from js script loaded on the page
UPDATED Optimized RTL CSS so that theme will no longer load an extra wpex-rtl.css file for RTL sites. The theme now includes a style.css and style-rtl.css and WordPress will load the one needed. The same thing has been done for wpex-woocommerce.css, wpex-bbpress.css and wpex-visual-composer.css (also fixed some small RTL issues)
UPDATED Total admin panel CSS to match WordPress 5.3 new input styles (various buttons, inputs used in the Theme Panel sections)
UPDATED Mobile Menu sub-item toggles for better usability and accessibility. Sub-items will now open only when clicking on the “arrow” (if you want items to open when clicking the whole item this is possible with a little CSS which can be provided or by using the nav-no-click class on any menu item). This means there will no longer be any “duplicate” parent menu items displayed in subitems.
UPDATED Mobile Menus for better focus states when opening via the keyboard and added ability to close mobile menus when hitting the esc button
UPDATED WooCommerce Product “Image Swap” function so it will use the “Secondary Thumbnail” page setting for the hover affect if there is an image selected otherwise it will work as usual (displaying the first image used for the Gallery)
UPDATED Total load more button used in various Total modules such as the blog grid to prevent possible conflicts with incorrectly coded 3rd party plugins and added an extra layer of security
UPDATED Various Total custom WPBakery parameters for better access-ability (like the on/off switches)
UPDATED The wpml-config.xml file to make sure the Total Image module settings are defined
UPDATED The older localscroll- method of linking to sections on your site when the page loads so it will only scroll to the section if it has a data-ls_id attribute to prevent any possible exploits
UPDATED Modern Menu Widget to use an “down arrow” for parent menu items instead of the left/right arrow which makes more sense and will better match the updated mobile menus
UPDATED Total custom customizer fields to match new WordPress 5.3 input styles
FIXEDIssues with Elementor Theme Builder preventing the Header/Footer from working if either were disabled in the Customizer
FIXED Issues with the Header Builder causing the sticky header to not function past the mobile menu breakpoint
FIXED Issue where the WooCommerce shop page may insert stray p tags when using page builder elements instead of the default shop output – with this update comes a new ‘wpex_the_content’ filter which you can use in your child theme functions to sanitize any content coming from WordPress which will parse the content similar to ‘the_content’ but preventing any conflicts with 3rd party plugins
FIXED No results found search page layout issue
FIXED Issue with the Total button when set to opening an image it wasn’t loading in lightbox
FIXED Loading gif not showing when opening up the page builder
FIXED Extra 10px spacing at the end of the social icons in the top bar
REMOVED Default gradient background on WPBakery “custom” buttons
- ADDEDTheme Panel setting to enable/disable the theme meta=generator tag with the current theme version in the site head tag
- ADDEDNotice to the instagram widget explaining changes on instagram that could prevent the widget from working and upcoming changes to instagram that will prevent access to displaying your instagram feed on a 3rd party site
- ADDEDCustomizer setting under Header > Logo so you can enter a mobile “offset” which would be used if your logo is fairly large and it’s overlapping any content on the side (mobile toggle or mobile menu icons).
- ADDEDVisibility options for the row top/bottom shape dividers
- ADDEDOption to the Navbar module when the filter is enabled so that you can enter the ID for the default active term
- ADDEDNew filter “vcex_post_type_grid_get_categories” to the Post Types Grid module to override the categories list output
- ADDEDCustomizer option under WooCommerce (Total) > Styling to alter the background of the black hover add to cart button on WooCommerce product entries
- ADDEDNew filter “wpex_get_header_styles_with_sticky_support” so if you are creating a custom header via a child theme which overrides the default header, you can still enable the sticky header settings in the Customizer and javascript
- ADDEDNew filter “wpex_get_header_styles_with_aside_support” so if you are creating a custom header or want to make use of the header aside content on any header you can alter the array of supported header styles via your child theme
- ADDEDThe aria-hidden tag to header menu dropdown arrows
- ADDEDNew classname “main-navigation-ul” to the main menu for use with the new style header for developers since the dropdown-menu class is removed in this header style to prevent theme styles from being added to the dropdowns
- ADDEDAbility to use some keywords as “values” when building an “Advanced Query” using a Total theme module such as the Post Types Grid – these keywords are current_post, current_term, current_author and current_user (so for example if you wanted to get all posts from the current user you could use &post_author=current_user in your query)
- ADDEDNew “Dev” header style. This function inserts the logo, menu, mobile menu and header aside content into the header area but without any styling if you wanted to style the header from scratch via your child theme
- ADDEDOption to the Total “Image” option so you can enable local scroll for the link
- UPDATEDTotal Image Slider modules for better accessibility (tab support for arrows, bullets, thumbnails)
- UPDATEDTheme actions currently hooked to wp_footer moved to wpex_outer_wrap_after to prevent possible conflicts with 3rd party landing page plugins
- UPDATEDSelect font size to 16 on mobile to prevent zoom on mobile devices when clicking select boxes
- UPDATEDWooCommerce checkout to scroll to the top when there are warnings displayed on the checkout after clicking the submit button
- UPDATEDTheme breadcrumbs to comply with newer structured data testing rules
- FIXEDIssue with some Customizer settings showing when they shouldn’t (such as the header aside settings showing up when header one is selected)
- FIXEDIssue with lightbox titles displaying a scrollbar
- FIXEDSmall horizontal “jump” when opening lightbox items
- FIXEDGallery lightbox not working with the “single image” module
- FIXEDIssue with WordPress toolbar going over the sticky header
- FIXEDDebug error when activating the Events Calendar Community Addon Plugin on single events
- FIXEDDesign issues with the “Your cart is currently empty.” notice on the WooCommerce cart from the previous update
- FIXEDIssue with the max-width option in WPBakery rows when added inside a Section module set to stretch
- FIXEDImage Slider layout issue when disabling the “Thumbnail Carousel” setting
- FIXEDIssue with Top Bar Social Alternative content element being added to the page if the Customizer setting had empty space saved
- REMOVED75% max-width added to site logo when entering a custom mobile menu breakpoint to keep consistency with default logo design