ADDED “Inner Border” option to the Image Banner module (screenshot)
ADDED Border Radius option to the Image Banner module
ADDED Lightbox Gallery on/off switch for the Image Carousel module
ADDED Theme function “wpex_get_query_vars” which can be used in the Advanced Query setting for any Total module in order to display items based on the current query such as overriding an archive like a category with the Post Types Grid module
ADDED “Child of” option to the Post Terms module so you can select a parent term to get items from
ADDED “Custom Query Callback” option to the Posts With Thumbnails widget so you to define a function in your child theme that returns an array of all the arguments you want to pass to the WP_Query class for the widget and enter the function name into this new field
ADDED New filter “wpex_inline_list_sep” which is used for the separator in various parts of the theme, such as the comma used to separate categories in the post meta and breadcrumbs (sample snippet).
ADDED Check to remove the woocommerce-blocks.css from your site if you have the Classic Editor plugin active or you have disabled Gutenberg via the WPBakery plugin
ADDED New shortcode “select_menu” so you can insert a select dropdown anywhere on your site based on a specific WordPress menu (usage)
UPDATED Breadcrumbs displays only the first (or primary if using Yoast SEO) category only instead of all the categories by default due to a large number of requests for this (you can still alter this setting in the Customizer)
UPDATED Method the theme uses to add custom classes to WooCommerce loops to prevent conflicts with 3rd party plugins not properly setting the is_shortcode parameter true in their custom loops
FIXED Issue where Icon Box and Feature Box module titles were not getting the correct heading styles applied when set to use a “div” tag (default setting)
FIXED Issue where inserting an Icon Box or Feature Box it would set the icon box heading HTML tag to “div” by default instead of selecting the “default” setting (which is actually an h2 that can be filtered via some code)
FIXED Accent color not being added to the WooCommerce product entries price
ADDED “Theme Icons” as the default icon option for the Total builder modules (loads faster than fontawesome and requires less scripts to load on frontend)
ADDED Responsive column settings in the Customizer (gif preview). For WooCommerce the responsive column settings will also apply to any WooCommerce shortcode added to a page if the columns in the shortcode match the defined default/desktop columns for the main shop/archives
ADDED New “Column Side Border” module which can be used to add borders between WPBakery columns that becomes hidden on mobile (simply place the module at the bottom of any column and it will display to the right side on desktop – this is intended for situations where you want for example 3 columns and a right border between the first and second and the second and third columns but you don’t need this border on mobile
ADDED Option to the Image Slider Total module to display a “Counter Pagination” (screenshot)
ADDED Option for the “Post Types Unlimited” plugin to select your custom page header style for your post types (can be used to disable it as well)
ADDED Option to the Image Slider module to display videos in lightbox (under Links tab) – if enabled instead of showing the video in the slider it will display the image associated with that video and then show the video in lightbox when clicking the image
ADDED Option to Image Slider, Image Carousel and Image Grid modules to enter a custom “Link Meta Key” if you want to add custom links to images and control them via a custom field (such as when using the ACF plugin)
ADDED Option to Recent News Module to display categories
ADDED Option to the Milestone module to enter a custom Decimal Separator
ADDED New filter “wpex_page_header_styles” which could be used to introduce custom page header styles via child theme code or remove any default theme styles from the available choices
ADDED New filter “wpex_get_mobile_menu_toggle_icon” which can be used to override the Total mobile menu icon HTML completely (if you do this be sure to use the “mobile-menu-toggle” classname to trigger the theme mobile menu)
ADDED Customizer setting for the Events Calendar so you can enable/disable the custom theme styles
ADDED Placeholder for the “Post Content” module when adding it via the front-end editor which also fixes a PHP warning
ADDED Style option to the “Post Terms” module and you can select from “Buttons, Inline List, UL List and OL List” – when selecting Inline List you can now add a “Before Text” so you can create something like this.
UPDATED Total WPBakery modules that use the “Custom Query” setting so you can now enter a callback function name so you can write a custom function in your child theme that returns an array of parameters you want to pass to the module (screenshot)
UPDATED Optimized the “Load More” function used in various Total modules. It now uses json to pass on data, better sanitization, fixes issue with load more not working on the Image Grid module when displaying the post gallery and uses different method of parsing data to really speed things up. Note the loadmore javascript function has been renamed from vcexLoadMore to window.vcexLoadMore for consistency so if you are manually re-triggering the javascript via child theme code be sure to update your custom code accordingly
UPDATED Total “Image” module to display a preview of the selected image in the backend editor
UPDATED Total WPBakery modules so they each “extend” the WPBakeryShortCode class thus providing better support for 3rd party addons
UPDATED Total Slider CSS to allow user text highlighting
UPDATED Post Series Archives to display order in “ASC” order so the first post in the series displays first
UPDATED Post Types Grid module so when you enable the Categories option if you don’t enter a taxonomy name it will fallback to the standard category
UPDATED Page Title output to support shortcodes
UPDATED Moved WooCommerce Header Menu Cart options into their own sub tab in the customizer
UPDATED WooCommerce price for entries to match accent color and slimmed down the custom CSS needed to alter the price color when using the Global Price Color customizer option
UPDATED Styling for the Events Calendar as needed to support their latest version which has an updated design (if you haven’t updated to The Events Calendar version 5.0.0+ yet then the theme will load the old styles for you)
UPDATED Text Alignment classes CSS to target the body tag and removed !important declaration to fix an issue where if you used the responsive alignment class in a Total page builder module it wouldn’t override the defined default alignment
UPDATEDOptimized display of self hosted videos when used instead of the featured image to greatly speed things up
UPDATEDWordPress Importer fallback files in the Total Theme Core plugin to version 0.7
FIXEDFontAwesome icons loading extremely slow in the WPBakery editor when choosing an icon
FIXEDIssue with centered menu items option not working due to recent bootstrap fixes
FIXEDIssue with blog load more pagination when using custom posts_per_page values for categories/tags causing duplicate entries to display when loading new items
FIXEDLoad More button issues with the Recent News module
FIXEDIssue where installing a plugin via the demo importer may install an older version
FIXEDIssue with WooCommerce “gap” option not refreshing the page in the Customizer when making changes
FIXEDMissing Cross-sells count/columns settings caused by last update
REMOVEDH2 tag being added by WooCommerce to the header cart dropdown and overlay
ADDED-New action hooks “wpex_mobile_menu_top” and “wpex_mobile_menu_bottom” which can be used to insert extra content to your mobile menu via a child theme
ADDED-Integration for The Toolset Types plugin to display theme options when creating your custom post types (screenshot) – and the Total “Settings” metabox will now display as well in the backend editor for all “public” toolset types
ADDED-Customizer settings for WooCommerce social sharing buttons so you can make it look different from the global settings. Also includes a new “location” setting so you can choose between the default location or place the social share buttons under the add to cart button in the right column (screenshot)
ADDED-Social Links option to the single staff settings (screenshot)
ADDED-Customizer settings under Staff > Social Links to change the default link target, font size and to disable icons (if icons are disabled it displays labels instead)
ADDED-Customizer setting under General Theme Options > Post Series so you can define the post types you want the post series taxonomy to be a part of
ADDED-Customizer setting under General Theme Options > Pages so you can disable the main page header title for all standard pages
ADDED-Default CSS for the i and em tags
ADDED-Filters to the Categories grid and carousel modules so you can alter the query arguments via a child theme if needed
ADDED-Setting to the multi-button module to enable the download attribute
ADDED-Background Image and background style options for Footer widgets in the Customizer
ADDED-Background image, background image style and border width options for the callout in the Customizer
ADDED-Post Link target option to the Post Types Slider module
ADDED-“wpex_footer_class” filter
UPDATED-Various Customizer panels to include subheadings for easier browsing
UPDATED-Customizer > General Theme Options > Social Sharing tab name to “Social Share Buttons”
UPDATED-Customizer setting at Header > Menu > Disable Menu Inner Borders so it can be used for the vertical header style (previously used only for header style two)
UPDATED-Customizer Callout settings to move the design/color options into the General sub tab instead of the content/text tab
UPDATED-“Settings” metabox to read “Theme Settings” to prevent possible confusion with 3rd party plugins
UPDATED-Overlay Mobile Menu HTML to better support custom content added via the new action hooks (please check any customizations made to this mobile menu style)
UPDATED-Search Results so if you pass on a custom post type parameter in the URL such as ?post_type=staff&s=search_term the search results page will display the entries using the format defined for that post type rather then the default left-thumbnail style (option added in the Customizer to disable this feature if not wanted)
UPDATED-Moved “Related Posts” customizer settings for portfolio, staff and blog under their own sub tab to keep things cleaner and make it easier to add more related post settings in the future (the settings will now display always even if the related posts block is disabled under the Post Layout Settings” so that they can be accessed if using a dynamic template for your blog posts)
UPDATED-WooCommerce social share button options now located in their own tab under Customize > WooCommerce (Total) > Social Buttons
UPDATED-Next/Previous arrows for Total carousel modules to include screen reader text
UPDATED-Optimized some header/menu CSS which also fixes some conflicts causing certain menu color options to not work correctly with the vertical header style
UPDATED-The strong tag CSS to use “bold” instead of “600” for the default value
UPDATED-Total spacing module to allow vh values and removed unneeded CSS reset
UPDATED-Demo importer to stop the process completely in the event the server returns an internal error and display a message and added a close button to the end screen
UPDATED-Various parts of the theme that returns an image URL such as the site logo, header/footer/page title backgrounds, custom login logo and background…etc to pass the image URL through the WP core set_url_scheme function
FIXED-Some potential conflicts with Bootstrap.css (note: plugins that load the entire bootstap CSS – especially when loaded globally – are usually poor coded plugins and not recommended)
FIXED-Total Bullets module “style” option not working as expected
FIXED-Issue where WBakery shortcodes wouldn’t render in Total grids using load more
FIXED-Issue with Post Gallery lightbox setting in the Post Types Grid
FIXED-Issue with ul/ol type attributes not working correctly
FIXED-Issue with the “Blog – Content Above” Template displaying the pages sidebar rather then the Blog sidebar
FIXED-Potential issue with missing icon fonts when updating from very old versions of the theme and WPBakery