ADDED: This is not an official theme update but I did create a little addon plugin for those that want a front-end form for testimonial submissions. Learn more here.
ADDED: A “manage licenses” link on the Theme License page
ADDED: The “wp-post-image” classname to WooCommerce entry images which is used for certain WooCommerce addons
ADDED: New filter “wpex_topbar_social_alt_content” which you can use to dynamically replace the topbar social options via a child theme
ADDED: New filter “wpex_get_post_gallery_ids” which can be used to dynamically define the post gallery slider image attachment id’s
UPDATED: Gallery lightbox when used with filterable grid modules (like the Portfolio Grid ) so it only displays items from the active filter
ADDED: “Categories” tab to the Staff Carousel module for displaying the staff categories below the title
ADDED: New czech translation files (translations provided by Total user)
UPDATED: Local scroll sections to add a “wpex-ls-inview” classname to the local scroll row when it’s “active” (aka when it’s scrolled into view)
UPDATED: “Add Media” popup for the post gallery to include dropdown to sort items by “uploaded to post” as well as display only images
UPDATED: Cart will not display by default in the breadcrumbs on the shop page and added new filter “wpex_breadcrumbs_shop_cart” to enable it if wanted via a child theme
UPDATED: Design tweaks for the WooCommerce orders/downloads tables for mobile devices for better responsiveness and added spacing to order buttons on account page
FIXED: Issue with dynamic template setting not working with the Post Types Unlimited plugin integration
FIXED: Issue with the option in the Customizer to use the native WooCommerce image resizing functions not working as it should
FIXED: Issue where you couldn’t deactivate the license on a cloned site if you wanted to change the license to a different one
FIXED: Excerpt length conflict with Elementor Plugin
FIXED: WooCommerce get_woocommerce_term_meta deprecated notice on shop
FIXED: Issue with some Lightbox settings not working in certain builder modules such as the Image Slider module
FIXED: Issue where blog gallery post format slider was not showing image captions when lightbox was enabled
ADDED Full integration for our brand new Post Types Unlimited free plugin so you can add custom post types and taxonomies (integration means when you go to add a new post type or taxonomy you’ll see many theme specific settings to have greater control such as layout, columns, etc) – video and new docs coming shortly! Note: If you decide to try out the plugin you must add at least 1 post type or taxonomy before the Total settings show up, so add your item click publish and when the page refreshes you’ll see the new settings, yay!
ADDEDNew filter “wpex_footer_builder_content” that can be used for child theme edits on the footer builder content
ADDED “Soft Crop” option to the image crop locations used for theme image sizes and Total builder modules – this allows you to define a width and height value with a crop value of “false”
UPDATED Typography options to support vw, vmin and vmax inputs
UPDATED Templatera widget to prevent issues with 3rd party plugins hooking into the_content filter
UPDATED CSS optimizations to remove unused CSS in some 3rd party vendor scripts (iLightbox, owlCarousel)
UPDATED Featured images will include empty alt attributes if there is no alt (for accessibility reasons)
UPDATED Toggle and Full-Screen mobile menu options to remove ID’s to prevent warnings from ADA scanners
UPDATED Breadcrumbs to strip all tags from link names to prevent any issues with html possibly being inserted into titles using filters via 3rd party plugins or child themes
UPDATED Revolution Slider plugin
FIXED Issue with Total WPBakery grid modules displaying extra categories in the filter when load more is enabled and the include categories or exclude categories options are defined
FIXED Toggle Bar button color and hover color options not working
ADDED: Support for the “WooCommerce Ajaxified Cart” plugin – video sample
ADDED: New option in the main “Theme Panel” to disable the “Editor Font Family Select” dropdown
ADDED: New filters “wpex_woocommerce_has_product_entry_details_wrap” and “wpex_woocommerce_has_shop_loop_item_inner_div” so you can easily remove the extra elements via your child theme if needed
ADDED: Custom layout for Elementor templates that are blank by default and set to full-width / no-sidebar for easier template creation
ADDED: Customizer option to disable the “bubble” look on the woocommerce menu icon number, if disabled the number of items in the cart will display on the side unformatted (as per the old design)
ADDED: New filter “wpex_sidebar_has_fallback”. By default if you set a widget area on your site but it’s empty it will fallback to the “Main Sidebar” widget area. You can use this filter to disable the fallback via a child theme to display an empty sidebar area if there aren’t any widgets added yet
ADDED: New action hooks “wpex_hook_footer_widgets_top” and “wpex_hook_footer_widgets_bottom”
UPDATED: WPBakery Visual Page Builder to version 5.7 and Slider Revolution to version
UPDATED: Header/Footer builder functions when using Elementor templates so that the editor will display in the correct location for easier editing, so instead of the editor being in the middle of the page where content goes it will be in the header or footer spot
UPDATED: WooCommerce “left” position for the checkout “Review Placement” to actually go below both the billing details and additional information to prevent issues responsively and remove so much extra blank space
UPDATED: Italian translation files thanks to viaggiatore_insonne
FIXEDIssue with long dropdown menu items with sub-dropdowns going over the dropdown arrow
FIXED: Link target not working in Instragram widget
FIXED: Single product price customizer color option not working
FIXED: UL/OL list side margin on RTL
FIXED: Issue with the email button in the social share builder module not including subject or body
FIXED: Breadcrumbs title displaying code on Easy Digital Download products
FIXED: Instragram widget responsive setting that couldn’t be disabled
FIXED: Conflict with the relevanssi plugin to allow user’s to be displayed in search results
REMOVED: Google Plus from social sharing, author box and social profile listings since the site is going to shut down
REMOVED: Inline CSS for custom WooCommerce icons targeting the older notification styles