Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.37.3

Download Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.37.3 from nulled fire. Ultimate Addons is a premium extension for Elementor that adds modules.
- Improvement: Table - Added styling support to individual table body cells.
- Fix: FAQ - Icon size not changing with title font-size.
- Fix: User Registration Form - Register button not clickable when Terms and Conditions field is disabled.
- New: Users can now share non-personal usage data to help us test and develop better products. ( <a href="Usage Tracking - Brainstorm Force - Store" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Know More</a> )
- Improvement: FAQ - Added HTML tag support to a title.
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Added style support for multi-step navigation text.
- Improvement: User Registration Form - Introducing optional Terms and Conditions to comply with GDPR.
- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added an option to show the caption always.
- Improvement: Woo-Categories - Added 'menu_order' to sort the Woo-Categories.
- Improvement: Woo-Products - Added filter 'uael_product_disable_link' to disable the link of product image.
- Fix: Advanced Heading - Font Awesome Pro Duotone icons not working.
- Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Hide form title & description on submit.
- Fix: Image Gallery - Redirection to 404 page if custom link is empty.
- Fix: Login Form - Google login not working if used multiple times on same page.
- Fix: Login Form - Layout breaking if view password icon and error messages display together.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - Added responsive support to flyout box width.
- Fix: Off-Canvas - SVG icon not rendering if used with display setting as icon.
- Fix: User Registration Form - 'Register' text stick to the top of button with GeneratePress theme.
- Fix: Woo-Products - Grouped products not getting added to the cart through Quick View.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added filter 'uael_form_error_string' to change the error messages string.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added loader while logging in with social login.
- Improvement: Login Form - Added view password option.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added active color for dropdown and current menu parent.
- Improvement: User Registration Form - Added filter 'uael_form_error_string' to change the error messages string.
- Improvement: Woo-Categories - Added action hook 'uael_before_product_loop_start' before UAE's products loop starts.
- Improvement: Woo-Products - Display quick view & add to cart by default for mobile and tablet for modern skin.
- Improvement: Woo-Products - Display quick view by default for mobile and tablet for classic skin.
- Improvement: Woo-Products - Added action hook 'uael_before_product_loop_start' before UAE's products loop starts.
- Fix: Hotspot - Hover marker not clickable on iOS.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - Open in new tab not working for WordPress menu.
- Fix: Table - HTML not rendering inside CSV file.