- New: Introduced Business Reviews widget.
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Added padding option for field validation message.
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Previous and Next button alignment in multistep form.
- Improvement: Post - Event skin - Filter to display the published date of posts.
- Fix: Gravity Form Styler - Filter 'gform_datepicker_options_pre_init' not accessible on frontend.
- Fix: Gravity Form Styler - Fixed the input margin issue when the field label is hidden.
- Fix: Off - Canvas - Background scroll issue on mobile devices.
- Fix: Off - Canvas - Fixed the issue with Elementor responsive settings.
- Fix: Off - Canvas - Push animation conflict with body width on the first page load.
- Fix: Post - Image scale issue on hover.
- Fix: Post - Offset issue with filterable tabs.
- Fix: Post - Taxonomy badge issue with main query.
- Fix: Woo - Products - Issue with the regular price of variable products.