Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress 5.3.8

Download Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress 5.3.8 from nulled fire. Complete General Data Protection Regulation compliance toolkit plugin for WordPress.
- feature: Added date of the last scan made by the Cookie Detector.
- feature: Added option to close the popup instead of accepting consent.
- feature: Converting Expiry Time to a human-readable date.
- feature: Added filter for Email sent at the bottom of Contact Form 7

- bugfix: Fixing minor issues (Undefined index notice message).
- bugfix: Added the possibility to use HTML tags in plugin's email templates.
- bugfix: Languages translation updated
- bugfix: Added Latin-extended version of the fonts
- bugfix: Privacy Settings were not saving in Firefox and Safari
- bugfix: Update of the advanced-custom-fields used in the plugin.
- bugfix: Fixed Mailster deprecated hooks issue.
- bugfix: Fixed Trigger cookie icon in the code.
- bugfix: Preventing js errors while updating from a really old version.
- feature: Added compatibility with Newsletter plugin
- feature: Personal Data Access file format optimized (empty fields will no longer be visible)

- optimization: compatibility with custom javascript libraries improved

- bugfix: Parse error after activating the plugin was fixed
- feature: Added compatibility with Newsletter plugin
- feature: Personal Data Access file format optimized (empty fields will no longer be visible)
- optimization: compatibility with custom javascript libraries improved
- bugfix: Parse error after activating the plugin was fixed