Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress 5.3.4

Download Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress 5.3.4 from nulled fire. Complete General Data Protection Regulation compliance toolkit plugin for WordPress.
- update: Advanced Custom Field 6.2.9 bundle update;
- feature: Consent Mode Integration with GTM - Enhanced integration that updates window.dataLayer based on user consent changes, enabling real-time activation of GTM tags
- enhancement: Data Layer event - introduced ultimategdpr_tcf_consent_updated event
- feature: option to minimize TCF popup on selected pages added;
- feature: Estonian and Portugese translations added to TCF modal;
- feature: WPML support added for TCF modal;
- feature: option to disable TCF modal for crawlers added;
- option to change the position of TCF trigger icon added;
- optimization: H1 tags removed from TCF modal for better SEO optimization;
- bugfix: [standard cookie popup] issue with analytics cookies blocking fixed