Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress 5.3.7

Download Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress 5.3.7 from nulled fire. Complete General Data Protection Regulation compliance toolkit plugin for WordPress.
- feature: Added compatibility with Newsletter plugin
- feature: Personal Data Access file format optimized (empty fields will no longer be visible)

- optimization: compatibility with custom javascript libraries improved

- bugfix: Parse error after activating the plugin was fixed
- feature: Added compatibility with Newsletter plugin
- feature: Personal Data Access file format optimized (empty fields will no longer be visible)
- optimization: compatibility with custom javascript libraries improved
- bugfix: Parse error after activating the plugin was fixed
- feature: Added compatibility for Instagram Feed plugin.
- feature: Added compatibility for Formcraft Basic plugin.
- feature: Cookie popup 'Read more' can be open in a new tab instead.
- feature: Added HotJar integration.
- feature: Added new (optional) checkbox for WooCommerce consent.

- updated: Updated languages translations to version 1.7.1

- bugfix: Modal styles are not changing when the Cookie modal skin option is used.
- bugfix: Added missing Norwegian translation for the Cookie popup content and fixed other minor issues this option had.
- bugfix: Shortcodes provided by the plugin can be now added via do_shortcode();
- bugfix: Improved functionality of the pseudonymization option due to the WP Job manager issue.
- bugfix: Option to add a custom label for 'Protection shortcode' was fixed.
- bugfix: Fixed 'checking if the user is from the European Union' function.