Ultimate Member - MailChimp 2.4.7

Download Ultimate Member - MailChimp 2.4.7 from nulled fire. Integrates Ultimate Member with MailChimp newsletters.
* Added: Setting "Groups and Tags view"
* Added: Setting "Label" for the MailChimp field
* Added: The `fieldset_ch.php` template for the Groups and Tags checkbox view
* Added: Option to skip address field on syncing
* Added: Links to the documentation
* Fixed: "MailChimp audiences" column in the Users table
* Fixed: MailChimp field's label in the registration form
* Tweak: Settings description
* Added: A column "MailChimp audiences" in the admin table "Users"
* Added: A notification if the "MailChimp API Key" is wrong
* Added: A setting "Blocked Email Addresses"
* Added: Helper fields "Role slug" and "Role title" to simplify role syncing
* Added: Skip invalid values on audience fields syncing
* Added: The shortcode [ultimatemember_mailchimp_subscribe]
* Added: The shortcode [ultimatemember_mailchimp_unsubscribe]
* Added: Template files field.php, form_subscribe.php, form_unsubscribe.php
* Changed: The template file fieldset.php
* Fixed: A label for the field type "MailChimp" in the registration form
* Fixed: Disable fields hidden by conditional logic
* Fixed: Don't unsubscribe existing contacts on registration
* Fixed: Integration with the extension "Profile Completeness"
* Fixed: The conflict caused by the function um_fetch_user
* Fixed: The subscription logic for contacts with the status "pending"
* Fixed: Getting all groups
* Fixed: Getting all tags
* Updated: Documentation