* Changed: Notifications list view and async getting notifications via AJAX
* Changed: Getting new notifications count. Red dot with counter is visible only when there are new notifications
* Changed: Getting new notifications when notifications list is visible
* Changed: Notification is marked as read only after "mark as read" action or after visit the notification URL
* Added: Filter "All|Unread" to the notifications list
* Added: "Mark all as read", "Clear all" actions
* Added: Ability to disable notification-type from the notifications list. UX alternative instead of visiting to the Account > Notifications page
* Added: Pagination "Load More" for notifications list in sidebar and static list on the notifications page
* Fixed: Enabled notifications types that was disabled by hardcode
* Fixed: Extension settings structure
* Templates required update:
- feed.php
- notifications.php
- notifications-header.php
* Deprecated templates:
- no-notifications.php
* Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade