Ultimate Member - User Tags 2.2.9

Download Ultimate Member - User Tags 2.2.9 from nulled fire. Allow users to add tags to their profiles easily
* Updated: Dependencies versions based on the recent changes for `UM()->frontend()->enqueue()::get_suffix();`
* Fixed: `[ultimatemember]` shortcode arguments
* Fixed: Case when extension isn't active based on dependency, but we can provide the license key field
* Tweak: Unified `UM()->fields()->editing` and `UM()->fields()->viewing` to bool variables use true|false in conditions to make `===` or `!==` comparing
* Added: Ultimate Member > Dashboard > Clear user tags cache metabox
* Added: Link to the directory page for a certain user tag
* Fixed: Count user tags in wp-admin list table
* Fixed: `the_content` hook using
* Fixed: Checking for parent tag in the admin area
* Fixed: The issue with lack of the nonce in the um_adm_action handler