UpdraftPlus Premium

Download UpdraftPlus Premium from nulled fire. UpdraftPlus is the World's leading backup, restore and migration WordPress plugin.
* FIX: Updated OneDrive SDK to allow for PHP 7.2 (due for release soon) compatibility
* FIX: When multiple remote backup destinations existed, pruning of old backup sets was not removing from all destinations (recent regression)
* FIX: When re-scanning a Rackspace Cloud Files remote location, only the first 100 files were processed
* FIX: Backups being downloaded twice from Dropbox during a restore which could cause unexpected results upon a site migration
* FIX: The 'SCP' and 'Server-side encryption' checkboxes in the settings was always ticked in the browser upon reload, regardless of the saved setting (regression in 1.13.14)
* TWEAK: Improve export settings file name by appending site name to export download file
* TWEAK: Perform escaping of table names in SQL calls without using esc_sql()
* TWEAK: Site option is deleted before updating it in multisite
* TWEAK: Improve WebDAV remote method upload speed
* TWEAK: Improve WebDAV remote method download speed
* FIX: Search/replace checkbox was not appearing when migrating a multisite setup
* FIX: WordPress 4.8.3 introduced a breaking internal change in the WordPress database API, which broke the search/replace of strings including percent signs. Updated Migrator code to handle this.
* FIX: WebDAV remote storage settings not being loaded onto the settings page properly
* FIX: Rewrite of legacy (PHP 5.2) S3 SDK Class to fix pruning old backup sets when multiple storage back-ends that are all based on S3 are in use.
* TWEAK: Improve formatting of restoration warnings
* TWEAK: Add css classes to backup templates
* TWEAK: Standardise the way storage classes are internally stored/retrieved
* TWEAK: Remote storage modules configuration templates transition using handlebars.js
* TWEAK: Adjust message mentioning mcrypt which is not needed if php-openssl is installed
* TWEAK: Showing search/replace checkbox option only when needed.
* FEATURE: Warn the user if their .htaccess seems to contain a redirect (or any other reference) to the old site after migration.
* FEATURE: When importing a database, warn the user if the current MySQL server does not support a used collation, and offer to replace it
* FIX: Saving of S3 settings had taken a dislike to buckets beginning with a capital 'B'
* FIX: UpdraftCentral users' module was failing to handle loading a very large number of users
* TWEAK: Allows the installation and/or activation of the WP-Optimize plugin from UpdraftCentral
* TWEAK: Add multisite attribute to the error response object for the create user, delete user and edit user actions.
* TWEAK: All remote storage methods are ported over to using configuration templates internally
* TWEAK: Include a method to add a manifest file inside each backup archive
* TWEAK: All code relating to the now-dead Dropbox APIv1 removed (N.B. If you've not updated UpdraftPlus since November 2016 and were using Dropbox, it won't be working - API v1 Shutdown Details)
* TWEAK: Prevent a PHP log notice upon database backup restore when using Google Drive without a client ID
* TWEAK: Prevent the final 'Restore' button being pressed a second time
* TWEAK: Improvements to the UpdraftCentral wizard
* TWEAK: Update to trunk version of plugin updater (paid versions), restoring the ability to work on older WP versions (3.8 and before)
* TWEAK: Add lbakut_activity_log to the list of large log tables
* TWEAK: Updater in paid versions now requests JSON as response format for responses when claiming entitlements
* TWEAK: Resolve: Backup labels could end up with extraneous slashes in output
* TWEAK: Updater in paid versions can now receive and process update information in respond to entitlement claim - one less HTTP round-trip
* TWEAK: Improve Google Cloud authentication success message for bucket name is not defined
* TWEAK: UpdraftVault commands now pass an instance identifier