UpdraftPlus Premium

Download UpdraftPlus Premium from nulled fire. UpdraftPlus is the World's leading backup, restore and migration WordPress plugin.
FEATURE: Now supports AWS v4 signatures (allowing use of new AWS regions) with old S3 SDK (which is used on PHP 5.2)
FIX: WebDAV options filter was not correctly saving any human-chosen description
FIX: Regression: Rackspace 'new user' wizard was not functioning
FIX: For chunked storage APIs that require a method to finally re-assemble chunks, if the first attempt failed, then a subsequent failed attempt could be incorrectly marked as having succeeded
FIX: First instance of each remote storage object was not using its internal default options
TWEAK: Added the ability to restore incremental backup sets (N.B. currently you cannot create incremental backup sets; this is part of our development of that feature)
TWEAK: Edit welcome banner
TWEAK: If 'lock admin' functionality (Premium) has been disabled by the site administrator, then include a line to that effect in the relevant section.
TWEAK: Allow UpdraftCentral classes to have boiler-plate pre and post-call methods
TWEAK: Do a bit more logging for Backblaze B2 uploads
TWEAK: Add a sanity check to prevent some PHP debug notices being logged in an upgrade situation
TWEAK: Resolved unwanted WebDAV remote storage JavaScript console message
FEATURE: OneDrive and Google Cloud deauthorise link provided after authentication
FEATURE: Added the ability to label remote storage instances (Premium)
TWEAK: Handle a combined error/timing condition seen on DigitalOcean Spaces that could lead to UD thinking that an upload that actually succeeded, did not
TWEAK: Add functions to pull backup status and log for UpdraftCentral
TWEAK: Add command multiplexer function for UpdraftCentral
TWEAK: Audit and regularise use of slash-handling code in AJAX layer
TWEAK: A couple of remote storage error paths were not returning the error information to the upper level correctly
TWEAK: Prevent phpseclib from throwing a fatal upon autoload if mbstring.func_overload is set (see: github.com instead, log, or handle in some other way appropriate to the context
TWEAK: Some minor code-styling and linting ignore tweaks
TWEAK: (Regression) After filling the UpdraftVault connect form, pressing Enter was no longer triggering submission
TWEAK: If counting up the total "More files" data when none are configured to be backed up, show "None configured" instead of "Error"
TWEAK: Improve UI of notice when claiming an add-on
TWEAK: Standardise the way OAuth remote storage methods authorise/deauthorise settings
TWEAK: "Wipe Settings" button click event was not asking for confirmation
TWEAK: Add Server Side Encryption (SSE) support to old S3 SDK
TWEAK: Dropbox now uses the internal chunked download API
* FIX: Email backups not sending correctly
* FIX: Buttons in the 'Migrate' dialog box stopped working after you switched tabs (until you reload the page)
* FIX: Unable to delete multi-storage S3 instances
* TWEAK: Remove duplicate DOM id for nonce fields
* TWEAK: Correct name of PutObjectAclVersion permission when requesting it in S3 wizard
* TWEAK: Improve S3 log message to make clear which back-end a message is coming from
* TWEAK: Improved migration warning message if migrator addon is available and restoration site url is slightly different than current site url
* TWEAK: New non-existent Backblaze B2 buckets are now created automatically
* TWEAK: Suppress expected (but confusing to some users) "404 not found" message in the log when WebDAV backup file is at 0% uploaded