UpdraftPlus Premium

Download UpdraftPlus Premium from nulled fire. UpdraftPlus is the World's leading backup, restore and migration WordPress plugin.
FIX: Restrict the CSS scope for our jQuery to prevent conflicts
FIX: UI bug when unable to download a database for restoration and then retrying before refreshing the page
TWEAK: Add basic design to confirmation window when adding a site to UpdraftCentral
TWEAK: Prevent a PHP coding deprecation warning on PHP 8.1
TWEAK: Feedburner URLs now are case-sensitive
TWEAK: Improve the Handlebars template of the Rackspace Cloud Files remote storage by taking PHP code out of it
TWEAK: WP Rocket - disable CDN upon migration completion since key will be invalid.
TWEAK: Improve the UpdraftClone user-visible feedback and logging on delay or failure conditions
TWEAK: WebDAV refactor part 2: Eliminate the stream-wrapper layer
FIX: Infinite recursions/loops appeared to happen in restoration during the search-replace operation especially when some tables had a circular reference in their serialised data
FIX: Prevent PclZip from restoring empty/corrupt archives
FIX: Zip file sizes had ceased to be recorded in the backup history
FIX: Fix fatal error when loading the "Advanced Tools" section for UpdraftCentral
TWEAK: Log intermediate unzip errors before proceeding with different method
FEATURE: Restore the "upload immediately after creation" feature that was turned off whilst misbehaviour was investigated; fixes have been applied.
FIX: Prevent premature removal of zip manifest files
TWEAK: Improve the Handlebars template of the OpenStack (Swift) remote storage by taking PHP code out of it
TWEAK: Do not run out-of-place "SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED" statements upon restore