* Core version: 4.63
* Update: Marked as compatible with WordPress 6.1
* New: Edit restrictions access add-on: It's possible allow/prohibit for role or user the selected post types: posts, pages, custom post types.
* Fix: Content view restrictions add-on: Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: target should be an object with map method or an array in /wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/wpml/fp/core/Fns.php:156
URE tried to check if not logged-in user can edit the post, by its ID. This leaded to a problem inside WPML plugin code.
* Fix: Content edit restrictions: "Force custom post types to use their own capabilities" option: URE automatically created custom post types unique capabilities later then "Fusion Builder" plugin did. 'init' action was replaced with 'wp_loaded' one.
* Update: Content view restrictions add-on: restrictions are applied to the public custom post types only.
* Update: Few notices (e.g. "Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated") was fixed for better compatibility with PHP 8.1.
* Core version was updated to version 4.63
* New: It's possible to translate custom role names using [PolyLang](https://wordpress.org/plugins/polylang/) plugin.
* Update: URE does not sort roles in WordPress dropdown lists. In order to sort roles by name return 'name' from 'ure_sort_wp_roles_list' filter.
* Update: User capabilities view page minor CSS enhancements.