User Role Editor Pro 4.64.4

Download User Role Editor Pro 4.64.4 from nulled fire. User Role Editor Pro can change/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
* Core version: 4.59.1
* New: Multisite: it's possible to leave selected roles for selected subsites unchanged after "Update Network" applied. Add filter 'ure_network_update_leave_roles' and
return from it the array like this one - array( (int) blog_id => array('role_id1', 'role_id2', ... );
* Update: Posts/pages, custom post types edit restrictions add-on: child posts auto access takes into account all existing hierarchical post types, not only pages as earlier.
Use 'ure_auto_access_children_for_hierarchical_post_types' filter in order to change this. It takes the single input parameter $hierarchical_post_types - the list of existing public hierarchical post types.
* Core version was updated to version 4.59.1
* New: Multisite: When update role at the main site with "Apply to all sites" option and PHP constant URE_MULTISITE_DIRECT_UPDATE === 1 (update roles directly in database, not via WordPress API),
URE overwrites all subsite roles with roles from the main site. It's possible now to leave selected role(s) for selected subsite(s) unchanged: add filter 'ure_network_update_leave_roles' and
return from it the array like this one - array( (int) blog_id => array('role_id1', 'role_id2', ... );
* Update: "Other roles" section is available now only for users with 'promote_users' capability.
* Update: Notice at the top of URE page about action result is not removed automatically after 7 seconds as earlier.
* Update: 'ure_sort_wp_roles_list' filter accepts these values for the single input parameter: false - leave roles list as it is; true or 'id' - sort roles list by role ID; 'name' - sort roles by role name in the alphabetical order.
* Core version: 4.59
* New: custom filter 'ure_set_cpt_own_caps' was added. It takes 2 input parameters: $do_it (bool, TRUE by default) and $post_type (string). Return FALSE for this filter in order to leave the default capability type for selected custom post type when option "Force custom post types to use their own capabilities" is turned ON at URE's options. If custom post type capabilities are not changed, related taxonomy capabilities are not changed too.
* New: custom filter 'ure_set_cpt_taxonomy_own_caps' was added. It takes 3 input parameters: $do_it (bool, TRUE by default), $taxonomy (string, like 'product_cat') and $post_type (string, like 'product'). Return FALSE for this filter in order to leave the default capabilities for selected taxonomy even if related custom post type will get own capabilities when option "Force custom post types to use their own capabilities" is turned ON at URE's options.
* Update: PHP constant URE_WP_ADMIN_URL was replaced with direct 'admin_url()' call to respect the 'admin_url' filter applied at get_admin_url() function.
* Fix: Navigation menus access add-on: action result message on success was not shown.
* Core version was updated to version 4.59
* Update: Editing roles and capabilities granted to selected user ("Capabilities" link under user row at the "Users" list) executes 'add_user_role' or 'remove_user_role' actions only in case it really grants or revokes roles and/or capabilities.
Previous versions fully revoked and granted again all roles during user permissions update even in case roles list was not changed. It was leaded to the false execution of the mentioned add/remove role actions.
Fix: “Multisite -> Update Network” did not work due to bug in version 4.59.
Fix: Posts/pages, custom post types edit restrictions add-on:
– Restricted user can some times see a full list of posts or pages due to internal caching issue.
– Media Library restricted items list did not take into account authors ID list restriction criteria for images loaded directly to the Media Library, which does not have parent posts.
– When products editing is restricted by product category/tag, product variations shown by “Admin Columns Pro – WooCommerce” plugin were not available. Now, if product is allowed, then related variations are allowed automatically too.
Update: Option “Force custom post types to use their own capabilities” replaces default capabilities for the custom taxonomies also. It takes the slug of the 1st post type associated with such taxonomy (e.g. ‘video’) and builds own capabilities this way: manage_terms->manage_video_terms, edit_terms->edit_video_terms, delete_terms->delete_video_terms, assign_terms->assign_video_terms. URE automatically adds such capabilities to the ‘administrator’ role. You have to grant these new capabilities to other roles manually.
Update: ‘edit_css’ capability is mapped to ‘unfiltered_html’ for WordPress multisite, in case ‘Enable “unfiltered_html” capability’ option is turned ON at the URE’s settings ‘Multisite’ tab. This automatically enables for a single site (blog/subsite) admin the ‘Additional CSS’ tab at the ‘Appearance->Customize’ page.
Update: Admin menu access add-on: New custom filter ‘ure_admin_menu_access_not_block_url‘ is available. It allows to whitelist not selected URL (without path, like admin.php?page=mlw_quiz_options), which is not presented at the admin menu and it’s not possible to select them with the “Block not Selected” model.
Core version was updated to 4.58.3
Update: URE automatically adds custom taxonomies capabilities to administrator role before opening “Users->User Role Editor” page.
Fix: Role changes were not saved with option “Confirm role update” switched off.