Woffice - Intranet/Extranet WordPress Theme 5.4.8

Download Woffice - Intranet/Extranet WordPress Theme 5.4.8 from nulled fire. Woffice is a feature rich, powerful Multipurpose Intranet Wordpress theme.
FIXED: Bug related to dynamic CSS generated on the frontend
  • IMPROVED WP Editor frontend style
NEW: Global privacy options for every custom post types
FIXED: BuddyPress personal notes only for current logged in user
FIXED: Footer doesn't sit on bottom when using large screen resolutions
FIXED: Call to undefined function 'woffice_wiki_display_actions_buttons' in taxonomy-wiki-category.php
FIXED: Wrong message displayed when user sings up if Eonet Manual User Approve plugin isn't installed
FIXED: Reset the extrafooter cache on theme settings saving
UPDATED: EventON to version 2.6.8