WooCommerce Bookings 2.1.2

Download WooCommerce Bookings 2.1.2 from nulled fire. Allow customers to book appointments for services without leaving your site.
* Update - Privacy policy notification.
* Update - Export/erasure hooks added.
* Update - WC 3.4 compatibility.
2018-04-24 - version 1.11.1
* Fix - Booking Reminder Emails: Same-day Bookings Contain The Text 'tomorrow'.
* Fix - Calendar doesn't load the correct availability for different resources.
* Fix - Calendar not finishing loading in wp-admin screens
* Fix - JavaScript error for DatePicker in International Browsers.
* Fix - The ajax endpoint should not return unavailable days for products of hour/minute duration types.
* Tweak - Refactor `get_available_blocks` parameters.
* Add - Bookings info in dashboard widget for new bookings (monthly) and bookings that require confirmation.
* Add - Calendar Lazy load functionality.
* Fix - Allow Person Types Max to be blank/null.
* Fix - Billing details overwritten when assigning new manual booking to existing order purchased by guest.
* Fix - Booking Person Discount coupon isn't computed in the Total.
* Fix - Buffer period not blocking slots as expected.
* Fix - Datepicker in admin calendar day view does not honor WordPress week start day.
* Fix - Days before existing marked unavailable incorrectly.
* Fix - Fix PHP notices by passing through the email parameter.
* Fix - Out of Stock setting prevents adding the product to the cart.
* Fix - Product price includes person cost with minimum set to 0.
* Fix - Resource costs show up incorrectly for week blocks.
* Fix - Validation messages not showing up with required addon fields and require confirmation.
* Fix - Visual compatibility with product addons.
* Tweak - Add filter to override how resource quantity takes precedence over product quantity.
* Tweak - Compatibility with WooCommerce PIP.
* Tweak - Could not add Booking ID to notification email, now you can.
* Tweak - Introduced filter `woocommerce_bookings_calculated_booking_cost_success_output` to modify cost output.
* Tweak - Show when month is fully booked.