WooCommerce Customer Order CSV Export 5.5.1

Download WooCommerce Customer Order CSV Export 5.5.1 from nulled fire. Export orders and customers from WooCommerce to a CSV file with ease.
* Feature - Export customers directly from the "Users" list via bulk action
* Feature - Add static values (such as shop name) to custom export formats
* Tweak - Use direct SQL queries for background jobs to prevent caching issues on certain hosts
* Tweak - Use GET request to dispatch background jobs as a workaround to POST request rate-limiting issues on certain hosts
* Fix - Properly set format settings when loading custom formats in WooCommerce 3.0+
* Dev - Add array keys to export options for easier customization
* Fix - Orders could exported multiple times when auto-export schedule was "immediately"
* Fix - Require user to be logged in to download exported files
* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 3.0
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.4