WooCommerce Memberships 1.26.10

Download WooCommerce Memberships 1.26.10 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Memberships Give members access to restricted content or products.
* Tweak - Create .htaccess file to protect membership import files in case of failed/frozen job
* Misc - Do not always show on the plugin's settings page a notice related to the Action Scheduler on some installations
* Fix - Load Action Scheduler 3.0 for installations that have migrated data during 1.16.0 update
* Fix - Use the chosen timezone when creating the import job if the option to do so is selected
* Fix - Ensure that plans using fixed dates have memberships setting their start and end dates at midnight
* Fix - Ensure that user memberships can be exported without error also on hosting providers that have disabled `fpassthru()` PHP function