WooCommerce Memberships 1.26.5

Download WooCommerce Memberships 1.26.5 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Memberships Give members access to restricted content or products.
* Fix - If a user membership is tied to a subscription with an installment plan with fixed dates, make sure the membership start date is set to the date entered in the membership plan
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.5
* Tweak - When using redirection as the restriction mode, ensure that restricted term archive pages are also redirected to the content restricted page and not just the individual posts or products having a restricted term assigned
* Fix - When a plan restricts products by product categories from viewing and a member has delayed access, prevent them from adding restricted products to cart from shop archive pages
* Fix - Ensure that recently created plans using a subscription product for installments will produce correct expiration dates for the memberships accessing it
* Fix - When saving a membership plan with a subscription-tied membership length set to unlimited, ensure that the unlimited option persists when saving the plan
* Fix - Ensure that discount input steppers in the plan rule settings follow the shop currency option for the allowed decimal precision in prices
* Fix - Address one PHP error triggered while Polylang plugin is active and opening orders, memberships or subscriptions admin edit screens
* Misc - Add filter to change the members area endpoint
* Misc - Update Action Scheduler library to version 2.1.0