* Tweak - Added 'Next week' and 'Next 2 weeks' options to the date filters in the orders list.
* Tweak - Use the 'maximum delivery days' setting as limit if its value is lower than the subscription billing interval.
* Tweak - Load the subscription delivery data in the checkout form during renewal.
* Tweak - Hide the delivery details for on-hold subscriptions.
* Fix - Fixed wrong available dates in the delivery calendar of the checkout form when renewing a subscription.
* Fix - Fixed wrong delivery values in the order created from a renewal of a subscription.
* Fix - Fixed margin top for the `Delivery details` section in the order emails which contain a subscription.
* Dev - Changed context from `checkout` to `checkout-auto` when auto-calculating the first shipping date in the checkout form.
* Dev - Updated `emails/email-delivery-date.php` template.