WooCommerce Order Delivery 2.6.4

Download WooCommerce Order Delivery 2.6.4 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Order Delivery make it easy for customers to choose a delivery date for their orders.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 3.4.
* Tweak - Hide virtual keyboard on mobile devices when the datepicker is open.
* Fix - Fixed warning when previewing the email template (The $email parameter is null).
* Fix - Fixed selectWoo interaction in the "Delivery Calendar" dialogs.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 3.3.
* Tweak - Added <time> HTML tag to the delivery_date column in the orders list table.
* Fix - Fixed typo in the Woo header.
* Feature - Added compatibility with the extension 'WooCommerce Subscription'.
* Tweak - Include the delivery details in the 'customer_invoice' emails.
* Tweak - Minor tweaks in the calendar styles for a mayor compatibility with the themes.
* Fix - Fixed issue when rendering a delivery_date field and the 'return' parameter is false.
* Fix - Fixed issue with the date format when assigning a default value to a delivery_date field.
* Fix - Update the delivery date field value when the customer changes the date manually.